Virtual Conferences – What Smart Companies are doing during this crisis

Digital Presentation

Smart Companies know that the coronavirus, like everything, will eventually pass…

However, during this uncertain period, it is vitally important to educate and inspire your team for morale and productivity. A tailored, interactive keynote presentation that is relevant to your team’s needs, concerns and professional development!
So, whether your team is working from home or they are still in your office, it is important to bring your group together to stay inspired and as a cohesive unit.
Social distancing doesn’t mean social disconnection! 


Stay connected with your teams by streaming an online live presentation from one of the country’s best motivational speakers, thought leaders or crisis management speakers. 
They can inspire and educate you on relevant subjects, including: 
  • Crisis Management – how to stay on track when it feels like the world is crumbling 
  • Resilience – to help you adapt, endure and overcome the unique and overwhelming changes and challenges that you are currently facing 
  • Leadership – calm and confident with critical decision making 
  • Disruption – how to adapt in changing times 
  • Mindfulness/Health and Wellbeing – dealing with anxiety in the workplace 
  • Motivational and Inspirational – it’s important to keep a positive energy in the team 
  • Communication – it is more important than ever to have clear communication with your team 
Why are companies scheduling virtual presentations?
Offering a real experience, just like a conference or event, allows your team to keep safe whilst giving them applicable inspiration and skills required to navigate challenging times and at the same time keeping your community safe. 
Audience members will come away with strategies to recover and refocus, both in their personal and business lives, so that they can return to being creative, working efficiently and producing their best results. 
There are tough decision been made and people’s work and personal environment do not look the same. This cannot be ignored as an employer, however, one of the golden rules of crisis management is to not try and handle a crisis on your own. You need some assistance to help ease the anxiety and get people to continue to grow. 
A virtual presentation with a highly qualified motivational speaker can help share the load for the entire organisation, tailored for and relevant to their specific needs. 
So, how does it work?
There are two options:
A live professional studio broadcast with a dedicated link sent to your team in the best quality that meets your companies highest standard of presentation. Alternatively, the presenter can broadcast from their office on one of the popular broadcast platforms, Skype, Zoom etc. 

An interactive live broadcast is the most effective way to communicate, the speaker will make their tailored presentation and your team will be able to post questions during the presentation for the speaker to respond to in a Q & A style. 

A tailored pre-recorded broadcast that you can stream through a platform and post on your intranet or we can provide you with a dedicated secure link.
An important tool to also remember is an education and training interactive workshop. This includes a practical interactive workshop which can also run as an education series where the speaker continues to develop your team’s skills and educate them. 
All presentations can include a PowerPoint presentation with infographics as the speakers presentation would normally include. Live presentations can also be recorded for team members who were unavailable or in different time zones.
Keep in mind running a well-curated virtual event takes a lot more than just hitting ‘Go Live’ on Facebook, YouTube or a webinar platform. You’ve made the decision to run your event virtually, so do the pre-production work to ensure a quality experience for your audience. 
We can provide, as part of the presentation, the first-class broadcast with one of our studio partners.

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