5 Tips for Post-Pandemic Strategy Success

“Without a compass bearing, a ship would neither find its port nor be able to estimate the time required to get there.” – Peter Drucker Before the pandemic hit, most organisations had a strategy in place to get them to where they wanted to be. Then covid chaos reigned, and all those painstakingly prescriptive strategies, thoughtfully…

Lessons from Turia Pitt: Turning Resilience into Results

If there’s anything the last couple of years on the old Corona-coaster has taught us, it’s that we’re a pretty resilient bunch. We’ve navigated our way through a dictionary’s worth of pandemic buzzwords like outbreaks, lockdowns, home-schooling, pivots, unprecedented times and zoom malfunctions, and are finally seeing our way through the ‘new normal’. So how…

12 Ways to Celebrate NAIDOC Week 2022

During the first week of July every year, NAIDOC festivities are held across Australia to recognise and celebrate the extensive history, rich culture and vast achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples – the oldest living continuing culture on earth. This year’s NAIDOC theme, ‘Get up! Stand up! Show up!’ is a call-to-action for…