“Our Gift to You” with AJ Kulatunga

AJ Kulatunga is the next speaker in ‘Our Gift to You’ series. AJ is a passionate speaker who works to shift mindsets and inspire new thinking in his audience. AJ has discovered that, through what we are all having to deal with, some of us are managing the crisis in different ways. In the below…

What will the future work environment look like?

Melissa Neighbour is part of the Future Crunch Team. They are a group of scientists, artists, technologists and entrepreneurs that believe science and technology are creating a world that is more peaceful, transparent and abundant, her specialty is environmental town planning and sustainable community building. In this insightful new video, Melissa shares her thoughts on…

“Our Gift To You” with Lisa McInnes-Smith

Our next video in “Our Gift To You” series is from Lisa McInnes-Smith Lisa is an Inspirational Speaker who has been inducted into the International Speaker Hall of Fame, being the first Australian to achieve this. In this short video she shares some advice on taking a positive outlook to the changes we face in life as…

“Our Gift To You” with Troy Hazard

Our next video in “Our Gift To You” series is from Troy Hazard. Troy is an entrepreneur who has successfully turned around several high profile businesses that were making enormous losses. He was elected by the world’s foremost business leaders for the role of Global President of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and he is the author…