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The Art of Doing Less to Achieve More

The Art of Doing Less to Achieve More - the key to productivity

“You don’t get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour” – Jim Rohn

Did I RSVP? Maybe a quick cuppa first. A speedy scroll to settle in. He said what?! Ooohhhhhh Mecca’s having a sale!

If your workday is sprinkled with sneaky little time-thieving distractions, you’re not alone. Scientists and other very smart people have spent decades studying human behaviour in an attempt to unlock the secret to focus and productivity. And sure they’ve come up with thousands of great tips and hacks. But what if there was only one thing you needed to do to silence all the distractions, fears, stresses and mental blocks getting in your way – and that one thing was… nothing?

Before we explain, let’s take a little look at the issue. Do a few pleasant distractions and a slightly scatty thought train really pose such a problem?

According to Clockify research, employees experience as many as 56 disruptions per day. When you take into account that it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to refocus after an unrelated interruption, it turns out that the average office worker is only productive for two hours and 23 minutes each day. So out of an eight-hour workday, that’s five hours and 37 minutes of each day spent doing… well, stuff that’s not work. Sobering stats – especially if you’re the boss!

Yes, it’s a problem. Distractions and interruptions can wreak havoc on your focus and productivity.

So, what can you do about it?

A quick google will point you to a gazillion approaches, philosophies, tactics and hacks aimed at solving the productivity / focus predicament. From Maslow’s Needs theory and The Pomodoro technique to 90-minute work increments, following the 80/20 rule, silencing notifications, chunking time, batching work, using noise-cancelling headphones… you could try working your way through the endless list and see what sticks.

Or, if you don’t have a few years spare, you could try the deceptively simple solution posed by Performance Strategist, author and keynote speaker Darren Fleming. And that’s to do nothing.

Darren believes that the reason we’re such an unproductive bunch is because we’ve been so focused on trying to fix the distractions outside of us (emails, people, meetings, general time suckers), when we should have been focusing inside of us by fixing our thoughts and reactions to the distraction.

Rather than fighting the internal ‘energetic sensation’ we experience when we encounter a distraction, Darren argues that we need to deactivate that sensation so we’re not driven to follow it. And to deactivate the sensation, all you need to do is sit with it and just let it do its thing. That’s right – just sit with it. Feel the energetic sensation and pay attention to it. Just observe it as it moves through your body. Don’t act. Do nothing.

This goes for anything that’s holding you back. Stressed about your finances? Sit with the energy of it. Feeling like an imposter at work? Just sit with the feeling of it without making a story about it. When something pulls you away from your task, pay attention to what you’re feeling in your body that’s causing your attention to wander, but don’t act on it. Just sit with it.

Darren says that as you’re observing the sensations you’re feeling, you need to trust in the ancient Buddhist principle that nothing in the universe is permanent – everything has a beginning, middle and end. The same is true for the sensations in your body. They’ll rise and eventually fall away, allowing you to refocus on your task, having done nothing more than be 100% present in the moment. It may take 30 seconds, or it may take a few minutes, but it will happen. And by allowing yourself to see the sensations through, you can deactivate the distraction and move on without it triggering you again.

This technique, called Mindset Mastery, combines cutting-edge research and ancient teachings to remove the mental blocks that hold you back – or as Darren explains, it helps you “get out of your own way.”

Simply ‘letting things be’ is a concept wellbeing guru Deepak Chopra also embraces in his international best-selling book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

The fourth spiritual law of success, the Law of Least Effort, is the principle of least action, of no resistance – in Vedic Science, this principle is known as economy of effort or ‘do less and accomplish more.’ It’s based on the fact that nature functions with effortless ease and without intervention – grass doesn’t try to grow, it just grows. Flowers don’t try to bloom, they just bloom. Fish don’t try to swim, they just swim. Chopra believes that we should do as nature does, and accept people, situations and events as they are in that moment – and just let them do their thing.

How to successfully do nothing

Darren believes that we’re so used to reacting to distractions that it takes a bit of skill to just observe and ride it through. In his new book, ‘Mindset Mastery: Do Less to Achieve More’ (coming February 2023), he details ‘The Six Don’t’s’ – what not to do when you feel that ‘energetic sensation’ of being pulled away from a task. Darren is happy for us reveal these ahead of his official book release, so with a slight spoiler alert, we present the secrets to successfully doing nothing…

1. Don’t label it. Avoid labelling the sensation in any way at all. When we label a sensation with terms such as frustration, love, anger, excitement or anything else, we are introducing a story. When we say, “I am nervous about presenting” we introduce a story based on a past experience that adds nothing of value to the current situation. It also brings in every other time we were nervous. None of this is helpful, and only serves to increase the noise in your head and the sensations in your body. This makes it harder to just observe.

2. Don’t own it. We own a sensation when we say things like, “This is just how I feel when I have to present.” This is playing victim to what is happening with the sensation. It de-powers you. It then draws you into the story of how this has happened in the past. When we are drawn into the past we are not observing.

3. Don’t judge it. Don’t make the sensation right or wrong. The classic example of this is, “I should be more confident when I present.” When we assume that we should feel different to the way that we do it infers that the way we feel is wrong, which is not the case.

4. Don’t fight it. When the sensation wants to come up, let it. Don’t push it down. It may not be pleasant, but it is inside you. Until you let it come up and experience it, it will remain in you.

5. Don’t justify it. When we justify our feeling of nervousness by saying, “I should be nervous – this is a big presentation!” we are once again bringing in a story. This enables the ego mind to go back to one of its many thought structures such as “life determines one’s experiences”. When we are caught in justifying, we are caught in the thoughts around it, and this does not allow us to experience the sensations.

6. Don’t explain it. It’s tempting to explain the way we feel with a story from the past. “When I last presented to the SLT they tore me to shreds and that is why I feel this way.” Explaining allows us to be the victim and not have to take responsibility for how we are today. While you may have had a less than stellar experience last time, it serves no purpose now. It might remind you to prepare more thoroughly, but you can know you need to be well prepared without having to explain away the sensations you are experiencing.

There’s no doubt that productivity research has heralded some helpful ideas for staying focused and keeping those pesky time thieves at bay. But it’s a bit like playing Whack-a-Mole… you fight the distraction down and it just keeps popping up. So maybe it’s time we learnt how to take the mole completely out of the game. Or hell, not even play the game at all! Tips and hacks are great, but as Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Want Darren Fleming to show your team how they can achieve more by doing less? His Mindset Mastery keynote will give your team the tools they need to eliminate distracting thoughts, be less reactive, remove stress, manage their feelings and become laser focused. Darren’s presentations are always relatable, fun and filled with practical take-aways, making him one of our most in-demand motivational speakers. If you’d like to talk to us about engaging Darren for your next event, get in touch with us now!

Your Essential Productivity Checklist for Managing Hybrid Work Like a Pro

Essential Productivity Checklist for Managing Hybrid Work Like a Pro

“You don’t get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” Jim Rohn

Though the idea of 9-5, Monday-Friday seems destined to be relegated to the rear-view mirror, there’s no doubt that the post-pandemic office recall has begun. Workers are dusting off their office finery, topping up their train cards and preparing once again for peak hour pandemonium. But don’t pack away the Ugg boots just yet. Thanks to the success of the covid remote work mandate, and much to the delight of many, it looks like hybrid workplaces are the way of the future. To help you manage the transition like a pro, we’ve got your essential productivity checklist covered – follow this, and you can have your cake and eat it too. Whenever and wherever you like!

Results of the world’s largest work from home experiment, otherwise known as Covid-19, showed that flexible work arrangements can be a resounding success.

Recent research conducted by Deloitte Access Economics found that businesses that have adopted hybrid work have 6 per cent higher income, are 22 per cent more likely to see higher productivity and are 28 per cent more likely to be innovative than those without hybrid work policies. They also show improved customer service and more engaged employees. That’s excellent news for businesses, because the fact is, employees have had a taste of remote work and they’re keen for more.

The Australian Government’s WGEA study found that an astounding 92% of employees want access to some form of flexible work arrangement as covid restrictions ease. In fact, the global EY 2021 Work Reimagined Employee Survey reports that 54 per cent of employees would actually consider leaving their job if they’re not afforded some flexibility post-pandemic.

Thankfully, it seems the majority of businesses are onboard the hybrid bandwagon, with nearly four in five employers surveyed in the WGEA study stating that they now have a formal flexible work policy or strategy in place. Michael McQueen, trend forecaster and best-selling author, believes that this shift to flexible workforces will see offices increasingly being used for specific purposes such as team building, collaboration and key meetings, and home offices being used for individual, focused work.

While the hybrid work model is still an evolving phenomenon, productivity seems to be the key to success. The checklist below will help you transition to your new work mode, setting you on the right path to achieving that holy grail of work-life balance…

Your Hybrid Work Productivity Checklist:

1) Tech up: Your employer should ensure you have the digital tools, resources and training you need to succeed in a hybrid work environment. Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Asana, SharePoint… they’re prime productivity boosters, and they’ll help smooth the transition between work and home. And don’t forget to sync and save as much as you can to the Cloud so that you (and your workmates) have access to the documents you need no matter where you’re working from. According to Trevor Long, our go-to-guy for technology insights and one of Australia’s leading tech experts, there are plenty of ways tech can help your home office work like a dream – a Mesh Wifi network like Netgear Orbi or Google WiFi, for example, will help provide high-speed internet to every corner of your home… pure gold if your Wifi box is miles from your workspace!

2) Commit to a work schedule: Let your workmates know when you’ll be in the office and schedule collaborative work and face-to-face meetings accordingly. A good place to start is by working out which tasks you’d like to do synchronously (in real-time) – like group brainstorming, and which you’re good to do asynchronously – think more focused, independent tasks.

3) Timing is everything:
A hybrid work schedule allows you the flexibility to schedule the tasks that require the most focus, creativity and brainpower for when you’re most alert and energetic. Productivity coach and Time Management expert Donna McGeorge believes we’re at our most productive and creative when we structure our day around our natural internal rhythms and cycles. Our body clocks are designed for greater mental agility in the morning, so block out a solid 2-hour slot in the morning to tackle your most important tasks.

4) Work on your connection:
We’re not talking about NBN (though obviously that’s pretty handy). Remote work, even if it’s super productive, can be fairly isolating. Building meaningful connections with your workmates enables greater communication, and – importantly – makes work a more enjoyable experience. Take the time to catch up face to face when you’re in the office, and stay in touch with your team online when you’re at home. As Mark Sanborn says, “In teamwork, silence isn’t golden, it’s deadly.”

5) Mirror your workspace:
Replicating your office workspace at home, in terms of organisation and ergonomics, will help get you in the right frame of mind. If you your inbox is to the left of your screen in the office and your phone to the right, set up your home desk like that too. Consistency helps focus your brain power on the right tasks.

6) Double up where you can:
Invest in two of everything where possible so you don’t need to lug it all around. Laptop charger, mouse, keyboard – leave a set in the office if you can, or have a separate work bag that’s office-ready and doesn’t require constant shuffling about. Don’t forget that work gear is tax-deductible if your employer won’t fork out for it.

7) Make the most of the extra time: A recent Productivity Commission report found that full-time workers in Australian major cities used to spend an average of 67 minutes per day commuting. Make the most of that extra time when you’re on a home day! While it’s tempting to have a sleep in & roll around in your pj’s ‘til go-time, don’t. Do something that’ll fuel your health and happiness – exercise, passion project, family time… whatever it is, schedule it in and commit to it. It’ll set you up beautifully for the workday ahead.

8) Don’t get distracted:
While doing some dinner prep and squeezing in an episode of Bridgerton during your lunch break is a definite perk of working from home, try sticking to your work schedule. Close your door, put your headphones on and snooze your notifications to stay on task during scheduled work blocks (try a distraction-blocking app if you don’t have the willpower!).

While this productivity checklist seems deceptively manageable, there’s a huge pay-off if we can nail it and make the transition to hybrid work a smooth one. Not only will we get that aspirational balance we crave on a personal level, but according to Deloitte, a hybrid work future could see Australia’s economy grow by $18 billion over the next decade, and create more than 42,000 extra full-time jobs.

So if it’s good for the economy and it’s good for the people, we’re all for the move to a hybrid workforce. And if it also happens that your laundry basket is clear and you’ve smashed through Season 2, then all power to you!


We can introduce you to a number of experts who tackle productivity and other factors critical to hybrid work success, including Donna McGeorge, Michael McQueen, Trevor Long, Andrew May, Chelsea Pottenger, Rob Pyne, Dr Paige Williams and Gihan Perera. All are captivating motivational speakers that can inspire your team to succeed regardless of which location they’re working from. If you’d like to engage any of these speakers, get in touch with us for a chat!

Our Gift To You with Donna McGeorge – Making Work From Home Work

Donna McGeorge is a dynamic transformer of company culture and the next speaker in our “Gift To You” series. She specialises in encouraging individual problem-solving, initiative, empowerment and self-responsibility.

One of Donna’s Motivational speaking topics is titled “Anywhere, Anytime” which focuses on virtual teams. Her belief is that we should stop talking about virtual teams, because virtual means not real. We are dealing with real people, so let us also stop talking about how hard it is. When you get the basics right and lay a decent foundation, you can achieve twice the results you expected with half the effort.

We have a limited number of Donna’s book ‘The First Two Hours’ available free of charge. This book will show you the way to get more done with your day.

For your chance to receive a copy please email info@keynote.net.au

We are hoping you are continuing to enjoy “Our Gift To You” series of videos.

Should you have any queries about any of our Motivational Speakers, please feel free to get in touch with us on 1300 661 904

Virtual Conferences – What Smart Companies are doing during this crisis

Virtual Presentation

Digital Presentation

Smart Companies know that the coronavirus, like everything, will eventually pass…

However, during this uncertain period, it is vitally important to educate and inspire your team for morale and productivity. A tailored, interactive keynote presentation that is relevant to your team’s needs, concerns and professional development!
So, whether your team is working from home or they are still in your office, it is important to bring your group together to stay inspired and as a cohesive unit.
Social distancing doesn’t mean social disconnection! 


Stay connected with your teams by streaming an online live presentation from one of the country’s best motivational speakers, thought leaders or crisis management speakers. 
They can inspire and educate you on relevant subjects, including: 
  • Crisis Management – how to stay on track when it feels like the world is crumbling 
  • Resilience – to help you adapt, endure and overcome the unique and overwhelming changes and challenges that you are currently facing 
  • Leadership – calm and confident with critical decision making 
  • Disruption – how to adapt in changing times 
  • Mindfulness/Health and Wellbeing – dealing with anxiety in the workplace 
  • Motivational and Inspirational – it’s important to keep a positive energy in the team 
  • Communication – it is more important than ever to have clear communication with your team 
Why are companies scheduling virtual presentations?
Offering a real experience, just like a conference or event, allows your team to keep safe whilst giving them applicable inspiration and skills required to navigate challenging times and at the same time keeping your community safe. 
Audience members will come away with strategies to recover and refocus, both in their personal and business lives, so that they can return to being creative, working efficiently and producing their best results. 
There are tough decision been made and people’s work and personal environment do not look the same. This cannot be ignored as an employer, however, one of the golden rules of crisis management is to not try and handle a crisis on your own. You need some assistance to help ease the anxiety and get people to continue to grow. 
A virtual presentation with a highly qualified motivational speaker can help share the load for the entire organisation, tailored for and relevant to their specific needs. 
So, how does it work?
There are two options:
A live professional studio broadcast with a dedicated link sent to your team in the best quality that meets your companies highest standard of presentation. Alternatively, the presenter can broadcast from their office on one of the popular broadcast platforms, Skype, Zoom etc. 

An interactive live broadcast is the most effective way to communicate, the speaker will make their tailored presentation and your team will be able to post questions during the presentation for the speaker to respond to in a Q & A style. 

A tailored pre-recorded broadcast that you can stream through a platform and post on your intranet or we can provide you with a dedicated secure link.
An important tool to also remember is an education and training interactive workshop. This includes a practical interactive workshop which can also run as an education series where the speaker continues to develop your team’s skills and educate them. 
All presentations can include a PowerPoint presentation with infographics as the speakers presentation would normally include. Live presentations can also be recorded for team members who were unavailable or in different time zones.
Keep in mind running a well-curated virtual event takes a lot more than just hitting ‘Go Live’ on Facebook, YouTube or a webinar platform. You’ve made the decision to run your event virtually, so do the pre-production work to ensure a quality experience for your audience. 
We can provide, as part of the presentation, the first-class broadcast with one of our studio partners.

Leading Your Team Through COVID-19

Ebola leadership expert, Mark “Squiz” Squirrell OAM was deployed to Liberia (with the United Nations) and Sierra Leone (with Aspen Medical) during the 2015 Ebola Outbreak.

It was Mark’s job to keep staff safe and ensure that the organisation could continue operating at the epicentre of the health emergency.

Using this valuable knowledge and insight, Mark can work with senior leaders/management within organisations to bring guidance and strategy, and share information on what has worked and failed in times of crisis.

An exceptional speaker and presenter, Mark delivers keynotes all over the world. Mark’s current Leadership Session is designed around highlighting strategies moving forward through the COVID-19 Outbreak.


  • Clarity – Fact vs Fear (a pinnacle part in organisations moving forward)
  • Insights into how the Outbreak will affect your workforce
  • Leadership tactics for a workforce operating within in the COVID-19 Outbreak
  • A platform to corroborate your COVID-19 plan

To engage or enquire about Mark, please give our office a buzz or email us here

To read Mark’s full bio, click here

At Keynote Entertainment, we are working hard to keep you connected. Through our virtual studio partners in Sydney and Melbourne, we can arrange a broadcast-quality presentation utilising our wonderful speakers and providing you with a dedicated link to send to the group. This will ensure office life keeps to some normality during this period and your team stays connected. Keeping abreast of these changing times, our speakers can ensure productivity, mindset, resilience and leadership are nurtured until such time that this crisis passes.