“Our Gift To You’ with Professor Michael Nagel

The next speaker in our “Gift To You Series” is  Professor Michael Nagel He is an educator, motivator, researcher, author, mentor and parent who has decades of experience as a teacher and behavior specialist. In this new short video he shares his thoughts in relation to isolation including the challenges of home schooling, your mental health…

Our Gift To you with Lynne Schinella

The next speakers in “Our Gift To You” series is Lynne Schinella who is a business speaker specialising in workplace communication helping you build a respectful, connected and thriving culture. This new video shares some of her thoughts in relation to understanding each other’s differences in order to be able to work together more effectively…

Our Gift To You with Peter Switzer

The next speaker in ‘Our Gift To You Series’ is Peter Switzer who is a leading business keynote speaker and financial commentator. A former lecturer in economics at the University of NSW, Peter currently hosts his own TV show, Switzer and Grow Your Business, on SKY News Business, he is a regular contributor to The…

Our Gift To You with Mark Squirrel

The next speaker in “Our Gift To You Series” is Mark Squirrel who is former Green Beret and International Aid Worker with firsthand experience in what it’s like to lead teams within an infectious disease outbreak. During the 2015 Ebola Outbreak he quickly realised that traditional leadership approaches and strategies were failing to address the fear and…