Why mindfulness should be a topic at your next conference

Mindfulness is a topic that is becoming increasingly recognised as a key to business and personal fulfilment.

And a topic that is becoming more in demand in Australian conferences and events.

One brilliant speaker for this topic is Emma Murray.

Emma is a master of mindfulness and a peak performance mind coach who was considered the ‘secret weapon’ behind Richmond football Club’s 37-year drought breaking AFL Grand Final win.

It was her unique program and multidisciplinary approach combining mindfulness, psychology, meditation and quantum energy that was considered the difference in performance for a Club that has a long-standing reputation of folding under pressure.

Emma’s speaking engagements not only gives you an insider’s account of the performance secrets behind one of the most incredible AFL Grand Final wins in history, but she provides simple tools to adopt in any high pressure, high expectation environment so people can perform at their best.


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