Is this Australia’s Most Inspiring Athlete?

You might not have heard of Motivational Speaker Dr Jessica Gallagher?

Jessica achieved history when she became the first Australian athlete – either Olympian or Paralympian – to win a medal in both the Summer and Winter Games.

And amazingly she achieved this – with use of only 7% of her eye sight.

At the Winter Games, Jessica skied down a mountain at 100 km/hr – vision impaired – being instructed by someone else! Would you have the courage to trust someone when they literally take your life into their hands?

In Jessica’s inspiring presentation she show’s audiences:

Trust – How do you and your team take the leap of faith when your opportunity arises?

Who’s your guide? Mindset – How do we maintain tunnel vision on our goals whilst allowing our peripheral to make choices?

Are. You. Ready? – When it comes to productivity and performance, having performance foresight allows you to achieve successful outcomes regardless of what challenges are thrown your way.

Click here to view see Jessica on stage:

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