“Our Gift To You” with Troy Hazard

Our next video in “Our Gift To You” series is from Troy Hazard.

Troy is an entrepreneur who has successfully turned around several high profile businesses that were making enormous losses. He was elected by the world’s foremost business leaders for the role of Global President of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and he is the author of the Amazon bestselling business book, ’Future-Proofing Your Business: Real Life Strategies to Prepare Your Business for Tomorrow, Today!

In this new short video Troy discusses what we have learnt in recent times and what we should be doing to improve managing a remote workforce, your confidence, leadership, communication and your new business strategy moving forward.

We hope you are continuing to enjoy “Our Gift To You” series of videos.

Please feel free to get in touch with us on 1300 661 904 to discuss how a virtual presentation can help your company stay connected in lock down.

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