Dr Louise Mahler – Speaker of the Year 2021

One of the industry’s favourite speakers Dr Louise Mahler has been awarded the 2021 Keynote Presenter Award for Excellence.

The recipient of this award has to cover several criteria, they need to speak to a diverse range of audiences, have a captivating style, their delivery needs to be first class, their message needs to engage the audience, they need to have a sense of humor and most importantly they need to be able to educate and inspire.

No wonder Louise was this year’s recipient as she has manage to continue to do all of this through 2020 both virtually and at live events. Louise was also engaged to present to large audiences in the United States with outstanding feedback throughout the year.

Louise is a communication specialist and expert in the psychology of personal engagement. She has a PHD in Business and degrees and post graduate studies in service management and Music as well.

Some of the topics Louise speaks on include:

  • Use your voice to build relationships with clients
  • Find your leadership voice to inspire and motivate
  • How to make difficult messages easy for people to hear
  • Building a culture that breaths harmony and teamwork

We are proud to work with Louie and you can read more about her specialty by clicking here.

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