Our Gift To You with Mark Squirrel

The next speaker in “Our Gift To You Series” is Mark Squirrel who is former Green Beret and International Aid Worker with firsthand experience in what it’s like to lead teams within an infectious disease outbreak.

During the 2015 Ebola Outbreak he quickly realised that traditional leadership approaches and strategies were failing to address the fear and uncertainty.  During this short video Squiz outlines:

  1. What’s happening to the psychology of your staff,
  2. The importance of realistic planning, not wishful thinking,
  3. How to preserve your own leadership clarity.

Squiz is now available to deliver strategy sessions with your leadership team to provide insights and guidance based on what worked and failed during the Ebola Outbreak.

We are hoping you are continuing to enjoy “Our GiftTo You” series of videos.

Motivational Speakers can be a great source of inspiration during times of uncertainty, please feel free to get in touch with us on 1300 661 904 to discuss how we can assit you and your team.


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