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Women’s Health Week, 2-6 September 2024

Women’s Health Week, which runs from September 2-6, is Australia’s biggest campaign dedicated to the health and wellbeing of women, girls and gender-diverse people. Hosted by the Jean Hailes Foundation, this year’s campaign theme ‘Your Voice. Your Choice.’ gives us the opportunity to create lasting change by empowering our communities to take charge of their physical and mental health.

This year, Women’s Health Week shines a spotlight on the unique physical, mental and emotional challenges faced by women, girls and gender-diverse people in the workplace. From navigating hormonal fluctuations to managing the demands of parenting, these challenges require understanding, empathy and support – and Women’s Health Week provides the perfect platform to address those needs.

It’s time to show your employees that they have a voice and a choice when it comes to their physical and mental health. It’s time to start planning your Women’s Health Week event!

We’re thrilled to offer a dynamic lineup of Women’s Health speakers who bring a wealth of knowledge and a kaleidoscope of experiences to the table. These industry-leading speakers are ready to inspire, educate and equip your audience with the knowledge they need to advocate for their own health, and the health of those around them.

Here are just a few of the wonderful women’s health motivational speakers we can introduce you to:

Women’s Health Week is your opportunity to help foster an open and honest culture where women’s health conversations are encouraged and welcomed. It’s one of our most popular event themes, so make sure you get in touch with us early to secure your speaker of choice – our team is standing by to help!

The Mindful Approach to Change Management

We’ve all been there – sleepless nights full of anxious thoughts, the faint thrum of unease that runs through your day, the crushing heaviness of looming uncertainty. In business, as in life, change is inevitable and entirely necessary. But how it’s navigated can make or break an organisation… and its people.

It’s time for companies to start taking a more mindful approach to change management, putting the mental wellbeing of employees at the core of their strategy. This is why.

The Impact of Change on Mental Health

‘Restructuring’. ‘Overhauling processes’. ‘Strategically pivoting’. However you label it, maintaining a laser focus on any kind of change without considering the profound emotional toll it will have on employees, is a recipe for disaster. Because stress, anxiety and instability will inevitably seep in, making it difficult for people to embrace that change – or make that change work.

The psychological effects of change are very real. Neuroscience confirms that it rocks our sense of stability and safety, triggering primal fears and literally hijacking our body. It sends us into fight-or-flight mode, flooding our body with stress hormones. And in a work environment, that mental and physical volatility makes it extremely difficult to adapt.

Renowned psychologist Dr. Amy Silver believes that the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that accompany a fear of change are why we often prefer to stick with the status quo. And that status quo is, according to Amy, “the silent destructive enemy disappointingly undermining all our efforts.”

As resilience expert Michael Licenblat explains, the paradox of embracing change is that the brain likes consistency and yet it is wired for malleability. This creates a mental tug of war between wanting to keep things the same whilst being adaptable to new ideas.

Even for those adept at navigating change, the experience can be psychologically taxing. Change management expert Ciara Lancaster believes that mentally preparing by developing self-awareness and self-regulation strategies to help process stressors in a healthy way is absolutely crucial. Because powering through change on an anxious, unstable mindset simply isn’t sustainable.

The Role of Leadership

Global leadership expert Margot Faraci believes the best approach to tackling a fear of change is for leaders to harness our most powerful human emotion – love. She believes that leaders who are courageous in their care of people, who lead their teams with love – bravely, fairly and clearly – create psychological safety. And that’s the single biggest driver of team performance – as Margot says, “When you lead with love, performance follows.”

Leadership coach Belinda Brosnan agrees, saying that the key to leading through change “is to create an environment that gives equal voice to everyone and allows people to speak up without the fear of being shut-down and ridiculed. This also requires leaders who are adept at asking questions and listening deeply — the ability to ask questions and build trust through courageous and caring conversations is key to an emotionally healthy workplace.”

Australia’s leading change and resilience expert, Ciara Lancaster, explains that prioritising emotional safety helps disarm those ‘freeze nerves’ that underpin our resistance to change, and activate the ‘ease nerves’, which allow for greater adaptation and responsiveness.

By putting mental wellbeing at the core of change management, business leaders can nurture a culture where people feel genuinely supported. In that kind of environment, change can be met with an open, growth mindset, embraced as an opportunity for growth rather than as a threat to be feared.

Building a Resilient Workforce

When you build a resilient workforce, you equip your team with the skills to effectively manage stress and maintain a positive outlook, even under immense pressure and uncertainty. Thankfully, resilience is a set of skills that can be learned. 

1. Accepting change

The first step to building resilience is recognising that some things are beyond our control. As Lao Tzu so eloquently put it, “Resisting change is like trying to hold your breath. Even if you’re successful, it won’t end well.”

According to leadership expert Darren Fleming, people waste valuable mental and physical energy ‘creating a story around change’, which results in a great deal of unnecessary mental turbulence. Simply accepting that change is happening – or ‘letting it be’ (a concept embraced by wellbeing guru Deepak Chopra) – is the best way to move forward.

It’s a sentiment shared by Ciara Lancaster, who believes that “The faster you come to terms with your reality, rather than resist, repress or ruminate over it, the faster you will rewire your brain and lay new neural paths.”

2. Building resilience

Michael Licenblat argues that while being able to ‘go with the flow’ is the key to successfully navigating change, our ability to remain engaged and motivated through that change is determined by how fast we bounce back from setbacks, challenges and pressures. And that’s why proactively equipping staff with personal resilience-building techniques and healthy coping mechanisms is crucial for managing change. These techniques include:

Reframing negative thought patterns

Bestselling author Brené Brown believes that “The core of mental toughness is actually self-compassion”, explaining that “People who are mentally tough stay mentally tough because they don’t slip easily into shame or self-criticism or self-loathing.”

Knowing that failure is a natural part of the learning process, an opportunity to learn, adapt and improve – not a reflection of your inherent worth – is a huge part of that. When we can make the mental shift to reframe failure as learning, failure simply doesn’t exist.

Prioritising self-care

Accredited mindfulness and meditation coach, Chelsea Pottenger, makes the distinction that “Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s self-preservation.” She suggests encouraging employees to incorporate self-care into their daily routine – things like:

– Prioritising sleep – it’s when all the magic happens.
– Making time for hobbies and activities that help you rest and recharge.
– Exercising – people are 3.5 times more likely to be resilient when they’re in good physical health.
– Setting clear boundaries, at work and at home – Ciara Lancaster reminds us that “Healthy boundaries means saying ‘no’ more than you say ‘yes’… for each ‘yes’, you are saying ‘no’ to something else.”

In the end, a more human-centric approach to change management is about protecting an organisation’s greatest asset – its people. As Chelsea Pottenger reminds us, “organisations are built by people. People who need motivation, care and compassion, and whose wellbeing should be as much of a business outcome as profits are.”

If you want your people and your business to thrive, it’s time to put the human experience at the heart of change. In the wise words of Richard Branson, “Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business.” 

We have some of Australia’s leading change management and leadership experts, including Dr. Amy Silver, Ciara Lancaster, Margot Faraci, Darren Fleming, Michael Licenblat, Belinda Brosnan, Brené Brown and Chelsea Pottenger, ready to provide practical guidance and support for navigating change while prioritising mental wellbeing. If you’d like us to introduce you, simply get in touch with us for a chat!

10 Trending Speaker Topics for 2024 

A Motivational Speaker can make or break your event. That’s why we obsess over making sure you have the right one. But just as important as the speaker is the topic they’re speaking on – because if it doesn’t resonate with your audience, it’s a waste of everyone’s time (and money!). When you zero in on a subject that excites your crowd, that ignites minds and sparks conversations? That’s when the magic happens. 

And that’s where we step in. With decades of industry experience, and an extensive network on the ground, we know what people are hankering to hear about. Here’s our exclusive scoop on the 10 hottest speaker topics for 2024, along with the speakers guaranteed to bring those topics to life. 

1. Future Trends

With deep insight into current and emerging trends spanning technology, society and business, these expert speakers help prepare audiences for what lies ahead. The knowledge and inspiration they provide helps businesses navigate, adapt and thrive in a constantly evolving landscape – vital for those trying to stay ahead of the curve! 

2. Artificial Intelligence 

Our Artificial Intelligence experts share their critical insights into how AI shapes industries, businesses, societies and daily life. Their take on technological advancements, ethical considerations and future implications not on only educates but inspires audiences, opening minds to a world of possibilities! 

3. Mindset 

If you want to be able to overcome challenges and achieve personal and professional goals, the right mental attitude is absolutely critical. These Mindset experts share their strategies for resilience, growth and success, empowering audiences to transform their thinking and unlock their full potential.  

4. Diversity and Inclusion 

When it comes to creating a strong work culture, attracting and retaining top talent and fostering innovation, having a diverse set of experiences, perspectives and backgrounds is crucial. It can also be a serious competitive advantage. These speakers show audiences how embracing these values isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.  

5. High Performance 

Knowing how your physical, emotional and psychological states impact your performance, and the performance of those around you, is the key to achieving extraordinary results. Our industry experts will share techniques for enhancing productivity, focus and discipline to help your audience maximise their performance, both professionally and personally. 

6. Cyber Security 

Cyber threats are a huge global issue. Our Cyber security speakers will provide insights into the latest security trends, risk management strategies and best practices for safeguarding online privacy and data integrity, empowering audiences to securely navigate the digital world – both at home, and at work. 

7. Sustainability  

Our Sustainability experts share their immense knowledge on green technologies, environmental conservation and strategies for reducing carbon footprints, inspiring audiences to adopt eco-friendly and sustainable practices. They’re masterful at driving home the importance of immediate action to ensure a healthier planet for future generations.  

8. Leadership 

With years of exceptional leadership experience, our Leadership speakers share their insights on inspiring teams to achieve success, driving change and making impactful decisions. Their guidance helps audiences cultivate a leadership mindset and style that fosters innovation, resilience and a positive culture. 

9. Future of Work 

These speakers cleverly explore evolving work trends, technologies and organisational practices, offering insights on areas such as remote work, adapting to automation and new workforce dynamics. By equipping audiences with strategies to thrive in an ever-changing business market, they help create meaningful, future-ready workplaces.  

10. Resilience 

Our Resilience speakers help empower audiences to withstand adversity, bounce back from setbacks and grow stronger through the challenges they face. By sharing strategies for building mental and emotional toughness, adaptability and a positive mindset, they inspire audiences to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and determination. 

We have the best in the business ready to share their knowledge and insights to help your team navigate their way through 2024. If you’d like us to curate a list of motivational speakers and relevant, thought-provoking speaker topics for your next event, simply get in touch with us for a chat – we’re here to help! 

Australian Alternatives to Big Name International Speakers

Simon Sinek. Brené Brown. Jay Shetty. James Clear. You’ve listened to their Ted talks, read their best-selling books and watched them stride across the global stage, weaving their inspirational tales of leadership, resilience, courage and personal growth. You’ve marvelled at their compelling stories, so full of insightful wisdom, and been spellbound by their captivating presence and extraordinary ability to inspire action. They’re the A-Listers of the speaking circuit, with booked-out calendars, millions of faithful followers… and a speaker fee to match.

If only you had the budget, right?

Unfortunately, we can’t help you with that. But we can help you source a brilliant Australian alternative to those big name international speakers – one that will blow your audience’s minds, without blowing your budget.

We understand how important your speaker is to the success of your event, it’s at the heart of everything we do. And because we also appreciate the need to keep your budget in check, these Australian-based speakers – visionaries every bit as compelling, insightful and inspiring as their big name international counterparts – are the perfect solution for your next event.

If you like Simon Sinek…

Simon Sinek motivational speaker

Simon Sinek is an acclaimed author, speaker and leadership expert best known for his TED Talk on ‘How Great Leaders Inspire Action’ (viewed over 63 million times) and his global best-selling book ‘Start with Why’. He emphasises the importance of purpose-driven leadership and communication, and achieving success by understanding and communicating core values and motivations.


dan gregory motivational speaker
Dan Gregory
Darren Hill motivational speaker
Darren Hill
Margot Faraci

If you like Brené Brown…

Brene Brown motivational speaker

Brené Brown is a motivational speaker renowned for her work on vulnerability, courage and empathy. With bestselling books including ‘Daring Greatly’, and hit Ted Talks including ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ (viewed over 63 million times), her research on human connection and resilience has helped people embrace vulnerability for personal growth and stronger relationships.


Kieran flanagan motivational speaker
Kieran Flanagan
Dr. Amy Silver
Ciara Lancaster

If you like Jay Shetty…

Jay Shetty motivational speaker

With over 32 million social media followers, the world’s #1 Health and Wellness podcast ‘On Purpose’ and best-selling books including ‘Think Like a Monk’, Jay Shetty is one of the world’s most popular health and wellness influencers and speakers. As a former monk, Jay blends Eastern wisdom with modern life principles, inspiring people to find purpose, wellbeing and mindfulness in their daily lives.


Emma Murray
Mark Visser
Toni Powell
darren flanagan
Darren Flanagan
Darren Fleming

If you like James Clear…

James Clear motivational speaker

World-renowned habits expert and popular speaker James Clear is best known for his bestselling book, ‘Atomic Habits’, which has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide. He shows how miniscule changes can have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships and your life, delivering lasting behavioural change through simple life hacks.


Chris Helder
Holly Ransom
Alison Hill
Alexandra Laws

If you’re looking for an Australian-based speaker who will meet your budget and exceed your expectations, talk to us about curating a list of options for your next event. And if you’re looking for a world-class speaker without any associated flight costs, make sure you check out our local Top 10 Motivational speaker lists for Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Queensland and New Zealand… or simply get in touch for a chat!

International Women’s Day, 8th March 2024

United Nations Women Australia has just announced the theme for International Women’s Day 2024, to be held on Friday 8th March. The 2024 theme, ‘Count Her In: Accelerating gender equality through economic empowerment’, examines the pathways to greater economic inclusion for women, highlighting the vital role it plays in creating a gender equal world.

When you empower women with equal opportunities to build their capacity to earn, learn and lead, it doesn’t just help them – it helps entire communities. Economies grow, families thrive and women have the critical resources they need to leave abusive or untenable situations.

To bring that vision to life, we need to shift behaviours and perceptions that marginalise women so they can reach their full potential. That includes removing the barriers that prevent them from improving their financial literacy and accessing funds that provide education and employment opportunities.

Thankfully, there are some remarkable women using their expert skills and knowledge to break down those barriers and pave the way for future generations of financially empowered women.

Let us introduce you to these incredible female changemakers inspiring a more inclusive and equal future. Their unwavering commitment to empowering other women, and their uplifting stories of resilience and determination, are guaranteed to captivate the audience at your International Women’s Day 2024 event.

Planning for International Women’s Day 2024 starts now!

Larisha Jerome is a proud Jarowair, Wakka Wakka & Wulli Wulli woman, passionate about using stories to inspire and empower women to achieve long-term financial prosperity and economic independence. With an extensive background in banking, government and the not-for-profit sector, specialising in women’s health and legal services, Larisha is committed to her role as First Nations Foundation’s Manager, Women’s Economic Empowerment. Along with her work as host of her Rich Blak Women podcast, Larisha is dedicated to redressing the economic injustice faced by Indigenous women. Read more about Larisha here.

Rosie Batty turned her own personal tragedy into a tireless crusade against domestic violence, earning the Australian of the Year title as well as a Pride of Australia National Courage medal and Order of Australia honours. She believes that women’s economic inequality and insecurity are at the heart of gendered violence, and her role as Ambassador for Good Shepherd sees her engage with policymakers to advocate for increased investment in economic safety measures to combat the issues impacting women, girls and families. Her work has contributed to the development of the new National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children. Read more about Rosie here.

Elizabeth Broderick is Australia’s longest-serving Sex Discrimination Commissioner, renowned for her tireless commitment to promoting gender equality and breaking down barriers preventing women from reaching their potential. Elizabeth founded ‘Male Champions of Change’ to tackle gender inequality in the workplace, and her review into the treatment of women in the Australian Defence Force led to comprehensive cultural reforms. Elizabeth also chairs the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls, is a trusted adviser to the UN, the World Bank and NATO, and is an Officer of the Order of Australia and NSW Australian of the Year recipient. Read more about Elizabeth here.

Effie Zahos is a leading figure in personal finance, passionate about making financial advice accessible and comprehensible to all. She started her career in banking before transitioning to broadcast TV, becoming the go-to finance expert for shows including the Today Show, A Current Affair and Sky Business News. As the former editor of Money Magazine, Effie turned her journalism skills, Economics degree and real-world experience into best-selling finance books that include ‘Real Girl’s Guide to Money: From Converse to Louboutin’s’ and children’s financial literacy book, ‘The Great $20 Adventure’. Read more about Effie here.

With more than 17 years’ experience in financial services with CBA, Macquarie Bank and Zurich, Jessica Brady is one of Australia’s leading Financial Advisers. She founded The Greenhouse Money Growing Program and co-founded award-winning Financial Advice firm Fox & Hare as well as free online platform Ladies Talk Money, advocating for financial empowerment – especially for women and the LGBTIQ+ community. As resident financial advice expert for Domain and Yahoo Finance, she also regularly appears in major media, with her shame-free, stigma-free approach to money helping thousands of people make smarter financial choices. Read more about Jessica here.

CEO of the Western Australian Cricket Association, Christina Matthews, is a game-changer in the famously male-dominated sport of cricket. As Australia’s most capped female Test player who also holds the record for the most dismissals by an Australian wicket-keeper, she is one of only three women in the world to hold the position of CEO of a first-class cricket association. She has inspired players of all genders and abilities while actively working to create a more gender-equal sport. And she’s succeeding. Female cricket participation has increased 550% across WA, and the WACA now has equal gender representation in leadership positions. Read more about Christina here.

Dr. Clio Cresswell is a talented mathematician and University mathematics lecturer determined to highlight the many mathematical elements that make up everyday life. Widely renowned for her best-selling book ‘Mathematics and Sex’, Clio also contributes articles to various magazines and Q&A columns and is a regular guest on popular TV and radio programs. Her international background and actuarial experience brings diversity to her perspective, while her authentic, funny and thought-provoking style never fails to incite a good chuckle along with genuine lightbulb moments. You’ll never look at maths the same way again! Read more about Clio here.

Known as the ‘bug whisperer’, Dr Paola Magni is a globally-recognised forensic science specialist. Her expertise on the behaviours of insects and other small creatures is used by law enforcement to solve murders and cold cases, even inspiring a character on Italy’s ‘CSI’ where she consulted to ensure a realistic portrayal. Currently a Lecturer at Murdoch University, she shares her insights through podcasts and publications – including her first forensic entomology book, which she published at just 25. Paola also volunteers her skills to investigate animal cruelty and wildlife deaths for the RSPCA, demonstrating her commitment to the local community. Read more about Paola here.

Margot Faraci challenges conventional thinking about leadership and business in today’s corporate world. With two decades of experience leading cultural transformations at prominent Australian companies, she emphasises the importance of leading with love to create a more respectful culture, better performance and a better society. She believes that by leveraging our most powerful human emotion, businesses reap the rewards of profitability and growth – they get the best out of their people, create engaging and respectful workplace cultures, create meaningful connections with staff and clients and attract the right talent. Read more about Margot here.

Perth locals will recognise Roanna Edwards’ voice from her hosting duties at ABC Radio’s Saturday Breakfast program and Aunty’s hugely popular gardening program ‘Roots & Shoots’. She is a proud Ballardong and Whadjuk woman who is loving living back on Noongar boodjar (country) after spending much of her life in regional WA. Since 2011, Roanna has worked in a variety of Aboriginal Affairs roles, including Media representative for the nation’s most powerful Aboriginal Land Council, and in the utility industry working for a remote government trading enterprise. Roanna now focuses on economic development in her role leading the WA office of PwC’s Indigenous Consulting, is the Chair of the Aboriginal Lands Trust and serves on the board of her beloved Swan Districts Football Club. Read more about Roanna here.

As former Executive Director of UN Women Australia, Julie McKay dedicated a decade to empowering women and advancing gender equality on a global scale. She’s served as the Gender Advisor to the Chief of the Australian Defence Force and has led the QLD Male Champions of Change for over a decade, advocating for gender equality in male-dominated industries. Julie has received several awards for her leadership and cultural change work, including Young Australian of the Year, Young Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year and the National Award for Excellence in Women’s Leadership. Read more about Julie here.

Jan Cooper is a trailblazer in the AFL community, and one of the driving forces behind the AFLW national women’s league and the talent pathway for women, growing AFL female player numbers from 16,000 to over 480,000. She has worked hard to overcome societal bias and implement strategies for improved diversity, inclusion and wellbeing in the AFLW, and was recently inducted as the first woman into the WA Football Hall of Fame for her tireless efforts. She also holds a number of other accolades, including an Order of Australia Medal, number one Ticket Holder of West Coast Eagles FC and Football Woman of the Year. Read more about Jan here.

Prabha Nandagopal is a world-renowned human rights and discrimination lawyer with 18 years of experience across various domains from business and human rights to asylum seeker and refugee policy. An innovative changemaker who challenges the status quo, Prabha is known for coming up with achievable solutions to intricate systemic problems. She’s played a pivotal role in numerous groundbreaking workplace cultural reviews, including the National Music Industry Review into sexual harm, sexual harassment and systemic discrimination, and recently worked alongside Elizabeth Broderick AO on the Independent Review into Workplace Culture at Ernst & Young Oceania. Read more about Prabha here.

Vanessa Stoykov has been championing financial empowerment for over 25 years. A born storyteller, Vanessa’s award-winning TV productions – including ‘Secrets of The Money Masters’ and ‘The Bottom Line’ – feature identities like Bryce Courtenay, Ita Buttrose and well-known finance industry experts. She is also a regular in the media, where her level-headed conversations around money empower people to take an active interest in their own financial strategy. As well as running her own financial content and communications business, Vanessa has also created Australia’s largest video education portal for financial advisers. Read more about Vanessa here.

Following stints hosting broadcast programmes at CNBC International in London and working as an on-air correspondent across Europe, Gemma Acton is now the 7 News Network Finance Editor, presenting the latest financial and business news to audiences across the country. With credentials including a background in investment banking and wealth management at Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch, and an MBA from the Lauder Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Gemma is incredibly well qualified to interpret and communicate how changes in the economy and society affect all of us. Read more about Gemma here.

International Women’s Day is always one of our most popular event themes, so make sure you get in touch with us now to secure your speaker of choice – our team is standing by to help!

Australia’s Top 10 Wellbeing Speakers

Australia's Top 10 Wellbeing Speakers

“Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business.”
– Richard Branson

Wellbeing isn’t just good for your people, it’s good for your bottom line too.

In this hyperconnected, hybrid work environment we now live in, workplace wellbeing has never been more important… or more of a challenge.

In an age where competition for talent is fierce, business uncertainty is high and ‘quiet quitting’ is an actual thing, creating a culture that prioritises employee health and happiness isn’t just the ‘right thing to do’ – it’s good business too.  

Research clearly shows a positive correlation between employee wellbeing and company performance across a wide variety of indicators, including firm valuations, gross profits and stock market performance. And if that’s not enough motivation, failing to look after the wellbeing of employees is now a punishable offence under new Australian Work Health and Safety laws.

Bottom line? It’s time to create a culture that prioritises wellbeing. And happily, we have some of the world’s best wellbeing speakers on hand to help you!

Australia’s Top 10 Wellbeing Speakers

These 10 passionate and inspiring wellbeing experts are the best in the business, and we’d love to introduce you…

1. Ben Crowe

ben crowe wellbeing

As mindset and performance coach of some of the world’s most influential leaders, as well as superstars like Aussie tennis legends Ash Barty and Dylan Alcott and world surfing champ Steph Gilmore, Ben Crowe knows a thing or two about winning mindsets. He’s committed to helping people find purpose, confidence and a competitive advantage while living fulfilling lives, and does it by sharing high-performance principles and emphasising the importance of authenticity, vulnerability and storytelling. Read more about Ben here.

2. Emma Murray

emma murray wellbeing

With a background in psychology and athletics, leading mindfulness and high-performance coach Emma Murray helps people from all walks of life overcome mental challenges to reach peak performance. Known as ‘the secret weapon’ behind Richmond Football Club’s premiership success, Emma’s strategies are focused on present moment awareness, emotional regulation and sustained focus. With practices rooted in mindfulness and high-performance psychology, Emma is dedicated to empowering people to excel in every moment of their lives. Read more about Emma here

3. Chelsea Pottenger

chelsea pottenger wellbeing

Chelsea Pottenger is Australia’s poster girl for mental health and mindfulness, regularly featured in the media as a leading authority on wellbeing. As an accredited mindfulness and meditation coach, Chelsea works with organisations to prioritise employee wellbeing, with major clients including global brands like eBay, Uber, Estee Lauder and Mercedes Benz. She’s also a proud ambassador for mental health charities including R U OK? and The Gidget Foundation, and has over 100,000 Instagram followers! Read more about Chelsea here.

4. Stephanie Bown

stephanie bown wellbeing

With extensive education and expertise in psychology, neuropsychology, positive psychology and organisational dynamics, Stephanie Bown offers deep insights into individual and team dynamics. As a transformational change expert and high-performance coach, Stephanie’s mission is to help people reach their full potential by guiding them to lead purpose-driven, successful and well-balanced lives. Stephanie also wrote ‘Purpose, Passion & Performance’, awarded one of Australia’s top 3 leadership books in 2021. Read more about Stephanie here.

5. Mark Bunn

Bestselling author and former AFL footballer, Mark Bunn, draws from a blend of Western science, Eastern medicine and insights from some of the world’s healthiest and highest performing people to provide practical tips for improving resilience, positivity and overall wellbeing. Mark focuses on addressing health issues such as stress, poor sleep, low motivation and burnout, and has coached communities, schools and organisations like NAB, Westpac, Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and AMP. Read more about Mark here.

6. Leanne Hall

As an integrative psychologist, personal trainer and nutrition coach, Leanne Hall has been transforming lives for over 15 years. Passionate about holistic health and wellbeing, Leanne guides people on a wide variety of topics, including beauty myths, self-esteem, body image, relationships, parenting and mental health. Promoting self-care through a combination of positive psychology and mindfulness techniques, Leanne inspires people to prioritise their mind and body. Read more about Leanne here.

7. Andrew May

Andrew May is a globally recognised workplace performance and leadership strategist with a background in high-performance sports. Partnering with organisations worldwide to establish cultures of wellbeing, Andrew delivers scientifically proven strategies for lasting change. He’s a coach and confidante to many of Asia Pacific’s leading CEO’s, executives and entrepreneurs, has worked with Olympians and is the Mental Skills Coach of the Paramatta Eels NRL Team. He’s also a published author and regular media contributor! Read more about Andrew here.

8. Dr. Michael Nagel

Dr. Michael Nagel is an Associate Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast where he teaches and researches in the areas of cognition, human development, behaviour and learning. He also helps workplaces incorporate mindfulness practices to tackle the increasing demands and challenges leading to stress, decreased productivity, employee absenteeism and burnout. Michael unpacks the neuroscience around mindfulness and provides practical strategies to help facilitate improved communication and enhanced workplace relationships. Read more about Michael here.

9. Luke Mathers

Luke Mathers is a stress expert and performance coach who uses neuroscience, ancient wisdom and his years of experience running successful businesses to help people harness the power of stress. Luke has helped Olympians, top CEOs, brands and teams, providing practical strategies to reduce burnout and change areas of their life that need to change. Having learned from his own experience in transforming industries, Luke helps people embrace challenges and reset how they look at stress in order to achieve optimal performance. Read more about Luke here.

10. Dr. Amy Silver

Dr. Amy Silver is a psychologist and bestselling author who is regularly featured in the media talking about how fear and other emotions impact our work. With three decades of clinical experience, Amy also holds multiple degrees, including a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Forensic Psychiatry and a Masters in Performance, and has taught and researched at Oxford University. A globally recognised expert, Amy is committed to teaching people how to create psychological safety, trust and open communication in order to shape a better future. Read more about Amy here.

With some of the world’s most highly sought-after wellbeing experts to choose from, selecting Australia’s top 10 Wellbeing Speakers was a difficult task! If you’d like help creating a culture that prioritises wellbeing, and have a specific event brief for us, we’d be happy to provide you with a curated list of speaker choices… simply get in touch with us to get the ball rolling!

Australia’s Top 10 Branding Speakers

Want to know why Branding is the hottest speaker topic for 2023?

In a fiercely competitive marketplace, where standing out is essential for survival, you need to leave a lasting mark in the hearts and minds of your audience. You need to create an emotional connection that captures imaginations and inspires action. It’s the only way you’ll elevate your brand from ordinary to extraordinary, and it’s where our Branding Speakers shine.

For your business

Your company is more than just a logo and a bunch of products. But creating a brand that cuts through and connects with consumers is no easy feat. Done right, branding can turn your business into a living, breathing entity with a distinct voice, values and a compelling story. Whether it’s your commitment to sustainability, your unwavering dedication to quality or your rebellious spirit that challenges the status quo, clever branding helps differentiate you from the pack.

Our Branding speakers can show you how to create an emotional connection that turns your customers into a tribe of passionately loyal fans.

For your people

With the proliferation of social media, online communication and the everlasting digital footprint, everyone has a personal brand. As Jeff Bezos defines it, “Your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room” – it’s the way you’re presented to the world, and just like any brand, it needs to be crafted and curated to ensure it presents the way you want it to. Think Kim Kardashian, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson… their personal brands aren’t what they are by accident!

Our Branding speakers can teach you and your team how to stand out (the right way) in a sea of grey suits and boring sales pitches.

Australia’s Top 10 Branding Speakers

They’ve launched and re-launched some of the most popular brands in the world and have cleverly constructed some of the most famous personal brands on the planet. Passionate, dynamic and inspiring, these 10 master storytellers are the best Branding Speakers in the business, and we’d love to introduce you…

1. Kieran Flanagan

kieran flanagan

When it comes to driving consumer engagement, there are few that understand the secrets behind influencing others to buy and ‘buy in’ better than Kieran Flanagan. With a career spanning two decades and numerous global awards, Kieran is one half of the team behind the most successful new product launch in Australian history, and one of the most successful brand resurrections in the world. She’s captivated audiences as varied as the UN, Coca-Cola and TEDx, sharing her revolutionary message that leveraging our humanity is the key to achieving lasting change and driving influence, engagement and trust. Read more about Kieran here.

2. Janine Allis

janine allis

Janine Allis is the Founder of Boost Juice Bars, the largest and fastest-growing juice and smoothie chain in the Southern Hemisphere, with over 660 outlets in 12 countries. Janine developed Boost Juice and other successful brands, including Salsas Fresh Mex Grill, CIBO Espresso and Betty’s Burgers, based on her ‘love life’ philosophy. She’s received numerous domestic and international awards in digital marketing, retail, franchise and business, is a bestselling author and has starred on ‘Shark Tank’, ‘Australian Celebrity Apprentice’ and ‘Australian Survivor’. Read more about Janine here.

3. Russel Howcroft

russel howcroft

If you’ve ever watched ABC’s ‘Gruen’ program, you’ll recognise Russel Howcroft as a much-loved regular panellist. He’s also a presenter on 3AW’s radio breakfast program, author of three best-selling books and chair of the Australian Film Television and Radio School. Regarded as the face of brand marketing and advertising in Australia, Russel has headed up some of the world’s most recognisable creative agencies, and delivered award-winning global campaigns for a raft of international clients. Read more about Russel here.

4. Amanda Stevens

amanda stevens

Amanda Stevens is an expert in the customer experience, and is widely recognised as Australia’s leading consumer futurist. She’s passionate about what she does, sharing her insights through her blogs and best-selling books, and working with businesses to create strategies that turn customers into brand advocates. Over the last 13 years she’s worked with brands such as Microsoft, Westpac and Foxtel, delivered more than 1200 presentations in 14 countries and shared the stage with the likes of Sir Bob Geldof, Sir Richard Branson and Condoleezza Rice. Read more about Amanda here.

5. Dee Madigan

dee madigan

An experienced creative director, advertising executive and author, Dee Madigan is a trailblazer in the Australian advertising industry. Passionate about developing cleverly integrated and impactful campaigns, previous clients include brands like HSBC, Coca-Cola, Unilever and Nestle. Dee is also a seasoned political campaigner and appears regularly as a panelist on TV shows such as ‘Gruen’, ‘The Drum,’ and ‘The Latest’. Read more about Dee here.

6. Dan Gregory

dan gregory

Dan Gregory is passionate about human behaviour, and for the last 30 years has been helping entrepreneurs and executives understand what drives beliefs, behaviours and belonging so they can increase their influence, impact and income. He’s developed leadership, performance and engagement strategies for brands including Coca-Cola, Unilever and the Royal Australian Navy, and lectured at some of the world’s most prestigious creative schools. You’ll also recognise him from ABC’s ‘Gruen’ program, where his business intelligence, unique insights and sharp wit have made him a popular regular. Read more about Dan here.

7. Adam Ferrier

adam ferrier

Adam Ferrier is a leading innovator in Australian advertising, drawing on his expertise as a consumer psychologist and brand strategist to help clients strengthen their relationships with consumers. He has authored several popular advertising books and serves on the boards of Good Thnx and TRIBE. With a track record of awards and successful clients, Adam regularly shares his insights on programs like ‘The Project’, ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and ABC Radio. Read more about Adam here.

8. Katrina McCarter

katrina mccarter

Katrina McCarter is a marketing strategist who understands the influential role of mothers in the Australian business economy. Her book, ‘Marketing to Mums: How to sell more to Australia’s most powerful consumer’, went to number 1 on Booktopia’s Business Bestsellers list, while her presentation, “Marketing to Mums: What Australian Mums want from Brands,” was voted number one for Most Valuable Content. Her expertise is frequently sought by media outlets including Channel Seven, ABC Radio, The Age and Mumbrella. Read more about Katrina here.

9. Tim Reid

tim reid

Tim Reid is the founder and host of Australia’s top-ranked business marketing podcast, ‘The Small Business Big Marketing Show’. With over 590 episodes and five million downloads, Tim has built a global audience of motivated business owners. He’s also authored The Boomerang Effect, a popular marketing text, and travels the world showing business owners and marketers how to embrace modern marketing methods – without breaking the bank. Read more about Tim here.

10. Kylie Bartlett

kylie bartlett

Businesswoman, author and serial entrepreneur Kylie Bartlett helps businesses thrive in the era of social media. Known as the ‘Web Celeb’, Kylie has taught thousands of SME’s worldwide how to become ‘Web Famous’ and compete with larger companies. She draws on her challenging life experiences and her qualifications in organisational psychology and corporate training to help others create connections and community online, and shares her knowledge through mentoring and public speaking. Read more about Kylie here.

With some of the world’s best Branding Speakers to choose from, our task of selecting the 10 best was a difficult one! If you have a brief for us we’d be happy to provide you with a curated list of speakers specific to your needs… just get in touch with us for a chat to get the ball rolling!

8 Ways to Boost Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing

workplace wellbeing

“Well-being creates well-doing.” – Benjamin Franklin

The future of work has arrived. With nine out of ten businesses now committed to offering employees a combination of remote and on-site work, the old office rule-book has officially been hurled out the window. But while the move has been hailed far and wide, this hyperconnected, ‘always on’ work environment poses some serious challenges when it comes to worker wellbeing. So how do you create a happy and healthy work environment in a world where the off button is so hard to find?

‘Workplace wellbeing’ is a bit of a fuzzy term, so let’s start by clarifying what it actually means. While there’s no singular definition, it refers to how your job – your duties, expectations, stress level and environment – affects your overall health and happiness. It encompasses mental, physical and emotional health, as well as job satisfaction and work-life balance. In a nutshell, it’s a combination of how you feel and how you function.

While workplace wellbeing has historically been more of a ‘feel-good’ line on the company charter rather than a business-critical priority, tides are changing. Thanks to a raft of global research, business leaders are now recognising that wellbeing isn’t just good for their people, it’s good for their bottom line too.

Research just released by the Wellbeing Research Centre at Oxford University found that “Happier workers are not only more productive, but also less likely to leave their jobs, miss workdays for health reasons, or work while sick. They tend to be more collaborative, creative, committed to their jobs, and motivated at work.”

That same report concluded that “Company wellbeing proves to be a significant predictor of firm performance across a wide variety of indicators… higher firm valuations, higher return on assets, higher gross profits, and better stock market performance.”

PWC research reached a similar conclusion when it came to returns, finding that for every dollar spent creating a mentally healthy workplace, $2.30 in benefits can be generated for the business.

Compelling reasons to jump on board, yes?

Or how about the fact that if employers fail to look after their employee wellbeing, they can now be penalised under Australian law?

With 58% of workers burnt out at work, and more workers absent due to stress and anxiety than flu and other physical illnesses or injuries, Work Health and Safety laws have recently been amended to mandate that organisations manage psychosocial hazards in the workplace. Those hazards include factors that heavily impact wellbeing such as harassment, bullying, remote work, poor support, low job control, lack of role clarity, inadequate reward and recognition and a poor work environment.

In the end, it’s about protecting our greatest asset. As Mindfulness and meditation coach Chelsea Pottenger reminds us, “organisations are built by people. People who need motivation, care and compassion, and whose wellbeing should be as much of a business outcome as profits are.” Bravo.

Here are 8 ways you can create a culture that prioritises people, and puts their wellbeing on top of the workplace agenda.

1. Set Clear Expectations and Boundaries

High-performance coach Stephanie Bown believes that one of the best ways to avoid burnout “is by having boundaries around how and where we choose to spend our time, so that we replenish our energy and enable ourselves to focus when we need to, with our families, in our workplaces, with our friends.”

Elite performance coach Mark Bunn is also a firm believer in boundaries, saying “Life these days is full of requests for our time, energy & expertise. As we like to be needed and feel that we are ‘giving’ to others, we can quickly find ourselves using up all our time…and thus having none left for ourselves.”

Boundaries are critical for wellbeing in our hybrid work world, and establishing clear guidelines and expectations for remote and in-office employees is crucial for maintaining them. Encourage everyone to respect boundaries regarding working hours, availability and response times, and avoid scheduling meetings or sending non-urgent messages outside of agreed work hours.

2. Communicate Openly

Implement regular check-ins between with employees to provide support, monitor their workload and address any concerns or challenges. Encourage two-way feedback and create a safe space for employees to share their experiences, perspectives and suggestions for improvement.

Not only does this open line of communication help foster trust and transparency, it also encourages the free flow of information and ideas – essential for connection, engagement and innovation. And as an added bonus, employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to do their best work! 

3. Promote Work-Life Balance Initiatives

Implementing and promoting work-life balance initiatives that benefit all employees, whether remote or in-office, is a great way to reinforce your commitment to worker wellbeing. Flexible leave policies, a family-friendly work environment, designated no-meeting days, flexible scheduling and the option to work from alternative locations (home / café / beach!) are popular ways to encourage a more balanced lifestyle.

4. Encourage Self-Care

In a hybrid setting, being able to disconnect and recharge is absolutely essential – as novelist Anne Lamot famously said, “Almost everything will work again if we unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” Encourage employees to step away from their workspace to stretch, go for a walk or engage in other activities that help them relax. Self-care should be scheduled in as a non-negotiable priority for every employee.

As one of Australia’s leading authorities on mental wellbeing, Chelsea Pottenger makes the distinction that “Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s self-preservation.” She suggests encouraging employees to incorporate small self-care rituals into their day, such as 5 minutes of meditation in the morning, believing that even little acts can have a big impact on wellbeing. 

Clinical psychologist, personal trainer and nutrition coach Leanne Hall also advocates for self-care, suggesting that we should all be “doing one thing for ourself each day. It may be a pedicure, bubble bath at the end of the day, movie with a friend, or even an early night!”

5. Offer Wellness Resources and Programs

According to Ben Crowe, mentor and mindset coach to stars including Ash Barty, Stephanie Gilmore and the Australian cricket team, we need to focus more on “the human being, less so on the human doing.”

Think about providing access to wellness resources, such as virtual wellness workshops, stress management techniques or resilience-building programs, or offer subscriptions to wellness apps and platforms that provide guidance on nutrition and mental wellbeing.

While mindfulness and meditation training helps to relieve stress, it’s not only employees that benefit – business does too. According to internationally acclaimed Author and Educator, Dr. Michael Nagel, this type of training “promotes mental health for the individual and can assist in facilitating clear and constructive communication, and enhancing workplace relationships.”

And don’t forget to encourage regular physical activity as well – virtual fitness classes, an on-site gym, lunchtime run club or yoga classes are a fantastic way to encourage physical activity and connection for both remote and in-office employees.

6. Provide Continuous Learning and Development

Professional development is a highly valued asset in the workforce. According to LinkedIn’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report, 76% of Gen Z’s believe learning is the key to a successful career, while another study found that 94% of global employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their career development.

Prioritising and investing in the development of your workers helps them feel valued and empowered, boosting engagement, job satisfaction and retention rates. Encourage employees to set goals and support their career development by providing opportunities for virtual learning, mentorship, online training programs, relevant motivational speakers and access to industry conferences.

Keep in mind that while embracing a culture of continuous learning helps employees stay at the top of their game, it also enables them to adjust to evolving business circumstances – and that keeps your business agile and competitive too!

7. Celebrate Achievements and Milestones

Everyone likes to feel valued and be recognised for their achievements, milestones and contributions – and celebrating them is an easy way to keep employees happy and improve retention. In fact, not doing so can be pretty harmful – Employment Hero’s 2023 Talent Insights Report found that 24% of employees would actually search for another job if there was a lack of proper recognition. 

Personalised appreciation messages, company-wide announcements, virtual recognition programs, awards nights, rewards schemes, in-person celebrations, additional leave days – all are fantastic ways to foster a positive and supportive work environment.

8. Support Social Connections

Human beings are inherently social creatures, and our connections with other people play a major role in our general wellbeing. So it makes sense that the people we spend most of our waking hours dealing with, our workmates, can have a huge impact on our wellbeing too.

Employers that promote positive social connections in the workplace can expect a more engaged and satisfied workforce, with enhanced collaboration, productivity and creativity also providing a significant boost to business.

There are plenty of opportunities to bring team members together to foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging, both virtually and in-person. Collaborative team projects and brainstorming, mentorship and networking opportunities, team-building activities, lunchtime chats, team meetings, wellbeing workshops, casual social gatherings, breakout spaces… the list is only as long as your imagination!

The research clearly proves that ‘workplace wellbeing’ is now a business imperative. Creating a culture that places wellbeing at the forefront contributes to a happier and more productive workforce and a better bottom line. And although our hybrid world, where the off button is hard to find and the lines between work and home are hazy, makes it more of a challenge – it’s absolutely possible. Because in the end, it’s pretty simple… in the wise words of Richard Branson, “Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business.”

We have some of Australia’s leading wellbeing and mental health experts, including Chelsea Pottenger, Mark Bunn, Ben Crowe, Stephanie Bown, Emma Murray, Dr. Michael Nagel and Leanne Hall, ready to help you create a culture that prioritises the wellbeing of your people. If you’d like us to introduce you, simply get in touch with us for a chat!

Australia’s Top 10 MC’s

Ever squirmed your way through an event punctuated by flat jokes, painful silences and awkward transitions? Or a fundraiser where the only thing raised by the crowd was the event organiser’s temperature? Then you’ve probably met Bob from Accounts, whose performance at the Director’s 50th birthday bash back in 2015 secured him that excruciating gig as MC.

No offence to Bob, but not everyone gets to claim true ‘master’ status. Rembrandt had to earn his stripes. Andy Allen had to win his. But Bob? He probably doesn’t have the specialist skills and experience befitting a genuine Master of Ceremonies.

You wouldn’t leave your event AV to someone simply because they’ve got a cranking stereo system at home. So why leave Bob in charge of the crowd? 

We know the blood, sweat and tears that go into planning an event. We also know all those hours of painstaking work can be destroyed in an instant by hiring the wrong MC. You have a million things to worry about, but your MC doesn’t need to be one of them.

What does a good MC bring to the event?

Magic. Not saw-a-woman-in-half type of magic, but the ingenious ability to create the right energy and tone for the night. To keep everything running on time and to plan, filling gaps, improvising and keeping everyone engaged. To maintain a flow, smoothly segueing from one topic to the next, cleverly weaving presentations together, connecting the audience to the speakers.

Good MC’s do more than just run through housekeeping. They know how to read the audience and adjust on the fly, reigning in talkative tables, keeping the focus, all while working the room to make sure objectives are met. Need more bids on a silent auction? The MC will make it happen. Need people to dig deep for a cause? The MC will inspire them to give generously.

Think of an MC like the conductor of an orchestra, guiding and directing performers to keep everyone seamlessly in sync, bringing all the instruments together to create beautiful music.

Without a skilled conductor, the orchestra is chaotic and disjointed. But with the right MC? You can create a symphony.

Australia’s Top 10 MC’s

1. Hamish and Andy

Hamish and Andy MC

Hamish and Andy are Australia’s most popular media duo, renowned for their larrikin humour and talent as entertainers, writers and comedians. The ‘Hamish and Andy Show’ was the highest-rating radio show in Australian history, while their ‘Gap Year’ TV travel show earned the boys three Silver Logies, while Hamish also won Silver and Gold individual Logies. The duo has been just as successful in podcasting, topping the iTunes charts with the Number 1 Australian radio podcast. Read more about Hamish and Andy here.

2. Carrie Bickmore

Carrie Bickmore MC

Carrie Bickmore is a highly experienced media personality, best known for co-hosting Network Ten’s ‘The Project’ and her extensive work in radio. She has interviewed some of the world’s highest profile celebrities and has won multiple Logie awards thanks to her talent for combining comedy and news in a relaxed, relatable style. Carrie is also passionate about her charity work, and has raised over $17 million for brain cancer through her charity, Carries Beanies 4 Brain Cancer. Read more about Carrie here.

3. Kitty Flanagan 

Kitty Flanagan MC

Kitty Flanagan is one of Australia’s favourite comedians and is a regular on TV shows including ‘The Project’ and ‘Have You Been Paying Attention?’. Breathtakingly hilarious and exceptionally talented, Kitty has performed to sell-out crowds at comedy festivals worldwide, worked on English TV program ‘The Sketch Show,’ written for BBC, Channel Four and Sky Television in the UK, made a short film titled ‘Dating Ray Fenwick’ and created and starred in ABC’s popular comedy show, ‘Fisk’. Read more about Kitty here.

4. Anthony Laye 

Anthony Laye MC

Anthony Laye is a world-renowned entertainer, keynote speaker and MC. His skills as a mentalist and expert communicator allow him to create unforgettable experiences for audiences, with his performances combining breathtaking illusions, mind-reading and games to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Adept at expertly piloting the entire event experience, Anthony is famous for creating a lasting impression. Read more about Anthony here.

5. Ed Kavalee 

Ed Kavalee MC

Ed Kavalee is a popular Australian actor, comedian and radio host famous for his lightning-fast improvisation skills and comedic timing. He’s been a regular on the radio as well as on TV shows including ‘Thank God You’re Here’ and ‘Have You Been Paying Attention?’. Ed also starred in the Australian film ‘Any Questions for Ben?’ and co-wrote and produced the tele-features ‘Scumbus’ and ‘Border Protection Squad’. Read more about Ed here.

6. Melissa Doyle

Melissa Doyle

Melissa Doyle is an award-winning journalist with 30 years of experience in the Australian media. She has covered significant news events as host of Channel Seven’s Sunrise and public affairs programs, with her experience as a live anchor covering breaking news earning her numerous journalism awards including a Walkley Award and multiple Edward R. Murrow Awards. Melissa was also made a Member of the Order of Australia for her significant service to the community. Read more about Melissa here.

7. Natalie Bassingthwaighte 

Natalie Bassingthwaighte

Natalie Bassingthwaighte is one of Australia’s most versatile entertainers, excelling as an actress, singer and host. With regular appearances on TV shows like ‘Neighbours’ and ‘Underbelly’, Nat also achieved global success as a solo artist and with her band, The Rogue Traders. Nat’s warm and bubbly personality also made her a popular mentor on shows like ‘The X Factor’, while she received multiple Logie nominations as host of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’. Read more about Nat here.

8. Waleed Aly

Waleed Aly

Waleed Aly rose to prominence as a spokesperson for the Australian Muslim community and co-host of Ten’s ‘The Project’. He’s a frequently published political and social commentator, as well as a qualified lawyer and White Ribbon Day Ambassador. Awarded numerous accolades, including the Gold Logie Award for Most Popular Australian TV Personality and multiple Silver Logies for Best Presenter, Waleed is undoubtedly one of Australia’s most popular media talents. Read more about Waleed here.

9. Julia Morris

Julia Morris

Julia Morris is an accomplished and highly sought-after entertainer, with over three decades of experience in the media. She has won several prestigious awards for her stand-up comedy, writing and television work, with hosting and acting credits including ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ and ‘House Husbands’, numerous Broadway musicals and sell-out stand-up comedy shows at every major comedy festival in the world. Read more about Julia here.

10. Chrissie Swan

Chrissie Swan

Chrissie Swan is an award-winning media personality with two decades of experience in television and radio. Her hosting credits include Nova 100’s ‘Chrissie, Sam & Browny’ breakfast show and ‘The Chrissie Swan Show’, as well as TV programs including ‘The Circle’, ‘Can of Worms’, ‘Would I Lie to You?’ and ‘The Masked Singer’. With true down-to-earth Aussie relatability, Chrissie is one of Australia’s favourite public figures. Read more about Chrissie here.

The right MC for your event will depend on the demographics of your audience and the tone you want to set. What’s right for a construction industry Awards Night won’t necessarily work for a beauty product launch or a fundraising gala! If you have a brief for us we’d be happy to provide you with a curated list of MC’s specific to your needs… just get in touch with us for a chat to get the ball rolling!

5 Reasons Event Management is One of the World’s Most Stressful Jobs

“Event Management will be fun” they said. Famous people! Glitz and glamour! Free cocktails! But if you’ve ever found yourself awake at 3am, surrounded by empty coffee cups and half-eaten pizza, wondering why you didn’t choose a less stressful career like defusing bombs or wrestling crocodiles, you’re not alone.

Official CareerCast and CareerAddict studies have found that Event Management is only slightly less stressful than running into a burning building… or landing a multi-million-dollar aircraft with hundreds of people onboard. If that comes as no surprise, never fear – we’ve got your back!

We understand that your job is the ultimate test of sanity, patience and caffeine tolerance. We know what it takes for you to flawlessly execute an event from start to finish – dealing with dates, times, venues, sponsorship, suppliers, marketing, technical requirements, catering, sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, entertainers, colleagues, attendees, random stakeholders… the list goes on.

We know you wear at least a dozen hats – you’re an Accountant, a Health and Safety Manager, a Catering Supervisor, a PR Manager, a Venue Inspector and a social media guru, just to name a few.

Having spent more time with Event Managers over the last 25+ years than we have with our own families (just kidding, kinda), we’re confident we’ve got a good handle on the top pressure points of your job. And while there may not be actual lives at stake, we know that these 5 triggers can send your stress levels through the roof…

1. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines 

You’ve probably got several projects on the go at once, all with different lead times, objectives, stakeholders and budgets. You’re juggling a million balls and facing constant interruptions, switching between tasks, firing off emails, fielding phone calls and jumping into meetings. And all the while, deadlines are looming – to lock in your speaker, source entertainment, confirm the venue, choose your menu, get the invites out, lock in sponsors, sort out presentations… So. Many. Deadlines.

2. High visibility and intense scrutiny 

The pressure is off the charts. Once your event is underway, you don’t get another shot at it. There are no second chances. You’re responsible for everything and everyone, you’re the public face of the event. And you’ll be judged by your attendees, your peers and your bosses on that one day alone… not the other 364 that have gone into making it happen. When it works? You’re the star of the show. But when it doesn’t?

3. Murphy’s Law

You’ve been planning this for months. You’ve meticulously calculated all the risks under the sun (and some under the sea), walked the venue backwards, co-ordinated the tables, styled the room, selected a scrumptious menu catering to every known intolerance, curated the content, created the run sheet, rehearsed and tested the AV. You’ve anticipated every likely scenario and planned contingencies like a ninja. Yet… supplier stuff-ups, natural disasters, a freeway breakdown, tech fails, a medical emergency in the crowd – if there’s a crisis to be had, Murphy’s Law says it’ll happen on your big day.

4. Physical demands

While the free travel and exotic event destinations of your jet-setting job may have sucked you in initially, you rarely get time to enjoy any of it. Early mornings, late nights and weekends, most of them spent on your feet, go with the territory. As do flight delays, jet lag, a sore back and aching feet. Hours spent upright or travelling from one event to the next can take a serious toll on your physical health, with no downtime to rest and relax (or visit the chiro).

5. Budgets 

It’s a given – you’ll be asked to go bigger and better than last time, more wow factor, double the R.O.I and half the budget. I see you nodding, you know the drill. Your negotiating skills are next level, honed through hours of Bali-esque style haggling with vendors, deftly balancing ego’s and expectations like a big-top tightrope walker. ‘Miscellaneous’ expenses have you breaking out in a sweat, and you’ve become a pro at mentally re-calculating whether there’s enough padding in your contingency line.

Living the dream, right?

But we’re not here just to validate your daily struggles – we’re here to take some of the load off your over-burdened shoulders and help show the world what a rockstar event warrior you are.

How we can help you

While we know your event is the culmination of a million tiny puzzle pieces fitting together, we also know that your speaker can make or break your event. We’re here to put your mind at rest (you may not recognise the feeling).

We know talent. And we know there’s a huge difference between a speaker and the right speaker. With an extensive network and years of experience, we know which speakers will connect with your audience, which ones will make them laugh, make them cry, make them fist-pump the air and have them standing on their seats for a second curtain call. Our speakers deliver.

We’re more than just a booking agent. We’ll source and recommend options, book and brief the perfect speaker and take care of every single detail related to their appearance so you can concentrate on the rest of your to-do list. Fee negotiation, juggling schedules and gatekeepers, contracts, pre-event calls, travel, AV requirements, presentations – logistics are our jam.

– We’ve got top-tier speaker options to suit every budget. Just tell us what you’re looking for and what your budget is, and we’ll find a speaker that will blow your audience’s socks off. We understand it’s all about impact.

There are no hidden costs, ever. We don’t even charge an admin fee. Your contingency line is safe with us, we promise!

This isn’t our first rodeo. Through years of experience, we know who plays well with who in the speaker world. So if you’re booking a panel of speakers, we’ll make sure they have the chemistry to set the right tone for the night.

We understand your inner control freak is shouting right now, but rest assured we’ve got you. We’re your fairy godmother, your secret weapon, your superhero sidekick, your trusty wingman. And we’ll make you look like a superstar.

Got an event coming up? We’d love to provide you with a curated list of speakers to suit your needs… just get in touch with us for a chat to get the ball rolling!

* Image: www.ciphr.com