Blythe Rowe - Communication - Understand the brain and the importance of re ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Boot Bullying: Call it like it is

Blythe explores why and how we all need to play an active role in the solution. Combined with her balanced view of business and people, it leads to outstanding results for both individuals and workplaces Read less
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Building Connected Teams: Developing Leadership and Culture

Discover how purpose and strategy are important for every member of the team, and how by introducing the Business Connection Model, teams can feel more allied. Find out the five key questions all employees need answered in order to connect them to your organisation especially in times of change. Read less
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Driving Ownership: Developing people and revving results

In this powerful and persuasive presentation, Blythe raises real workplace issues that affect modern business. Based on her book Bullies, Blamers, Bludgers, she shows how these toxic behaviours are the key issues affecting productivity and profitability in the workplace Read less
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Science of Connection: Creating meaningful connections

The world is more digitally connected than ever before, yet many of us are feeling more disconnected. Combining her own experience with practical research, Blyth unpacks her Connection Formula, providing strategies to build trust and develop meaningful connections both personally and professionally. Read less
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Supercharge Your Career

The future workplace is changing with the emergence of new technologies and artificial intelligence. Whilst it is exciting, it can be a little daunting. There has never been a more important time to take charge of yourself and your career to ensure that you are prepared to take on the challenges of the future workplace. Read less
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The Next Big Thing: People

Learn what is changing in the working environment and the upcoming trends that you need to adapt to create a high performing culture and workplace. Blythe gives audiences a glimpse into the workplace of the future and shows the skills needed to not only survive but to thrive Read less
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Thriving Through Change: Build Your Resourcefulness

We are living in a world where the workplace is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous and as such change fatigue is a common issue. Change is coming faster and individuals are getting more stressed and anxious then before. Blythe sets out to explore this concept and help individuals understand why they feel and behave the way they do in times of change. Read less
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Blythe Rowe

Understand the brain and the importance of relationships 

Blythe Rowe is a passionate individual with a love for shaking things up in the corporate world. She is a people and culture expert, and has spent over thirteen years working in Senior HR roles for some of the nations leading businesses. Blythe is the founder and director of the training organisation, Human Incite. 

With an uncanny ability to engage and motivate audiences, Blythe sets them on a path of achievement. 

She has authored a powerful book, titled 'Bullies, Blamers & Bludgers', and aims to rid our workplaces of toxic behaviours whilst building and maintaining meaningful relationships and creating wothwhile workplaces. 

Blythe's education includes a Masters in Management Enterprise and a Bachelor of Business. She is a registered NLP practitioner/coach and is a Global Partner of the About my Brain Institute (AMBI). She offers her clients brain-based assessments and solutions, providing a better understanding of the brain.  

Combining her expertise and wisdom with her infectious energy, Blythe is able to give audiences the push needed to make a difference in their lives. She gives practical and applicable solutions which are suitable for any audience. 

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