Dr Amantha Imber - Motivational Speakers - Innovation Psychologist, Best Selling Author, and  ...

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Find Your Focus: Science-backed Strategies for Turbo-Charging Productivity and Well-being

Email. Social media. Endless pings and dings. Distraction and digital temptation make it hard to do focused, impactful work. In this highly interactive keynote, Dr. Amantha Imber reveals science-backed strategies to help teams transform habits, turbo-charge output, and optimise work hours. Attendees will learn how to structure days for peak performance, win back hours lost to distraction, and ingrain new practices to conquer busyness. They'll walk away with an actionable blueprint to sharpen focus and dial up impact.

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Health Habits That Stick: How to Rewire Your Brain for Long-Term Success

Is your team showing signs of burnout? Feeling exhausted even thought it’s only Monday? Finding it harder to bounce back? We all have habits that hold us back from better health and feeling and performing at our best. But trying to change through willpower alone rarely works. In this engaging keynote, Dr. Amantha Imber goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach to reveal science-backed strategies tailored to each person's unique psychology. Attendees will discover how to identify their own mental roadblocks and gain customisable techniques to finally make positive health changes stick. They'll walk away with clarity and an actionable plan to transform habits for good.

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Innovation Survivor: How to outthink, outsmart, and outlast your competitors

It is our ability to generate breakthrough ideas to business challenges and opportunities that is what literally enables us to outthink, outsmart and outlast our competitors. Dr Amantha Imber will take you through the latest scientific findings in relation to what really drives highly inventive and disruptive thinking – and how participants can apply these findings to their role. You will walk away with a set of practical tools that you can use immediately to innovate what you do and disrupt the competition.

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Tiny Tweaks, Big Shifts: The Small Steps That Lead to Massive Change

How do you achieve dramatic improvement? Driving real change requires adopting new behaviours – yet our brains resist. It is downright hard to change entrenched habits. In this interactive keynote, Dr. Amantha Imber will reveal psychological insights that drive transformation. Attendees will learn tactics to identify mental roadblocks and “glitches” thwarting progress. They’ll discover tiny tweaks that pay huge dividends in cementing new habits and high performance behaviours. This talk provides a practical blueprint for shepherding change at any level.

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Dr Amantha Imber

Innovation Psychologist, Best Selling Author, and Founder of Innovation Consultancy Inventium

Dr. Amantha Imber is an organisational psychologist and the founder of Inventium, a behavior change consultancy. She is also the host of the highly popular podcast "How I Work," with over five million downloads. Amantha is the co-creator of the Australian Financial Review's Most Innovative Companies list and the AFR BOSS Best Places to Work list. Renowned for her expertise, she has worked with leading companies such as Google, Apple, Disney, LEGO, Atlassian, and the Commonwealth Bank, helping them redefine their approach to work.

In recognition of her contributions, Amantha was named one of the Australian Financial Review's 100 Women of Influence in 2019. In 2021, she earned the prestigious Thinkers50 Innovation Award, described by the Financial Times as the 'Oscars for Management Thinking.' This award acknowledges the individual who has made the most significant contributions to global innovation understanding over the past two years, making Amantha the first Australian to receive this honor.

Amantha's insights have been featured in reputable publications such as Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Fast Company. She is also the author of three internationally bestselling books: "Time Wise," "The Innovation Formula," and "The Creativity Formula." Her latest publication, "The Health Habit," was released in early 2024.


Enquire about Dr Amantha Imber to speak at your next event