Scott Williams - MCs & Hosts - Transforming Corporate Culture with Laughter and P ...

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

Laughter is Infectious

When you hear laughter move towards it! Some of lifes toughest blows can be softened through humour. None of us are exempt from lifes challenges, but once you can find laughter in a situation, no matter how painful, you will survive it. Read less
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Laughter: The fourth element

Work, rest, play and LAUGH! There is a saying that life without laughter is death. As we go from childhood into adulthood we take on more and more responsibility and the pressure to perform causes us to neglect our sense of humour. You do not stop laughing when you grow older, you grow older when you stop laughing! We must strive to reignite laughter in our lives on a daily basis. Read less
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Tricking Your Brain into Thinking You Are Happy

It is a fact that when you smile your brain thinks you are happy and starts releasing endorphins, the powerful chemical that delivers to us a feeling of euphoria. If you want to feel happier more often, hold a smile for a while and see how quickly your mood elevates Read less
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Work, Rest and Play: Should be a single task

Scott explores why these three vital elements of life should be considered a single daily goal. All too often we work and when we get a chance we rest. Eventually, if there is any time left over we get to play. This approach to life is unbalancing us and needs to change Read less
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Scott Williams

Transforming Corporate Culture with Laughter and Profound Insight

Scott Williams, also known as 'The Doctor of Comedy', is a distinguished figure in the Australian corporate speaking circuit, leveraging over 30 years of experience. As a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) recognised by the National Speakers Association of Australia and the Global Speakers Federation, Scott's presentations are celebrated for their ability to blend a clever and witty humour with profound insights.

His career spans numerous engagements with top-tier global corporations such as BP Oil, IBM, and McDonald's, where he has delivered impactful messages on stress minimisation and fostering a positive workplace culture. Scott's dynamic presentations cater to various roles, from keynote speaker and motivational coach to master of ceremonies and conference facilitator.

Scott is renowned for his ability to deliver uproarious stand-up comedy tailored for corporate environments and facilitate multi-day conferences with his exceptional skills. He emphasises the mental and physical benefits of humour through his concept of a 'DLP' - a daily laughter plan, encouraging audiences to enhance their sense of humour for improved wellbeing.

His infectious enthusiasm and practical strategies have made him a highly sought-after speaker globally, inspiring organisations like Qantas, Citibank, and ANZ to elevate their business performance through positivity and engagement. Scott Williams continues to empower audiences with his unique blend of humour and motivational insights, leaving a lasting impact on corporate culture and individual growth. His unique perspective on life and the workforce provides organisations with the simple steps required to take their business to the next level.


Enquire about Scott Williams to speak at your next event