Karl Schwantes - Business Speakers - Learn how to retain clients by creating an experie ...

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

Creating phenomenal in-store experiences for clients that drive profit

Creating profitable business partnerships that create a never-ending source of leads

Engaging clients using Social Media to build a community

Karl Schwantes

Learn how to retain clients by creating an experience

Long gone are the days when opening the doors was enough for a business to retain clients. A transactional style experience is no longer satisfying. Today’s clients are longing for something more, something that can’t be found on the Internet – an unforgettable experience.

An International award winning author and National award winning jewellery designer, Karl is a man of many talents. As the owner of a 40 year old second generation family business, Karl has not only spent the last 21 years learning every facet of the business, but seen the business transition through analogue to digital and is now taking the next leap into the experience age. A move which is supported by the research that shows clients feel more fulfilled by their purchases long term when there is a memorable experience attached to it.

Creating memorable experiences and embracing the latest technology is something that Karl has incorporated into his new state of the art diamond boutique in Queen St Mall. Some of the innovations the business has been designed to include are, facial recognition at the concierge desk, an augmented reality screen for clients to see jewellery on without wearing it, wireless phone charging stations, a design pod for an oculus rift style experience and the ever popular scotch bar experience.

Karl is extremely passionate about helping other business owners see the huge potential in their business.  Perspective is that one thing we can never have from the position that we currently find ourselves in. Karl’s refreshing approach to workshopping examples with the members of the audience allows them to gain a newfound perspective and have an immediate light bulb moment. Whether their business is a local café, car dealership, legal practice, there are always actionable items that everyone can take away and immediately implement.

Before making the leap into the family business, Karl studied science, earning a Bachelor in Psychology from The University of Queensland. Then, driven by the desire to serve his country, he enlisted in the Australian Army, rising to the rank of Captain.

As a passionate and committed philanthropist, Karl gives his time to a number of worthy organisations including Legacy, Variety and Vinnie’s CEO Sleep Out to name a few.

Social Media is also an area that Karl is well versed in. Having spoken at the recent SME digital marketing conference in Brisbane, and the Lord Mayors business forum, Karl gives a unique perspective on “How to do social” and connect with future clients when it comes to high-end products.

Enquire about Karl Schwantes to speak at your next event