Colin James - Business Coaching - One of Australia

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Beyond Powerpoint

In this keynote, Colin 'stumbles' through all the elements that make for boring, dull presentations. He demonstrates typical 'PowerPoint paralysis' style presentations before unpacking the six elements that can make any presentation rock the house without using PowerPoint at all. Ultimately, the audience will discover the power of storytelling and how they can connect and inspire their audience every time. Read less
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Good leaders create good followers, and good followers create good leaders. However, what truly constitutes excellent leadership? In this presentation, Colin challenges leaders in organisations (how to be a better leader) and their employees (how to be a better 'follower'). He draws upon a host of stories, references, humour and his unique graphic presentation ability to hold audiences fully engaged and enthralled. Audiences will learn why followership is the key to a fulfilling and successful career and how they can raise leadership standards in their organisation. Read less
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I Can't Believe It!: Making the ‘impossible’ possible

In this session, Colin reveals that limiting beliefs hold people back in their lives. He shows participants how to draw a fully rendered, artist quality portrait in ONE HOUR. In doing so, he dismantles the life-long belief many people have, and they are given a tangible and real-life experience for challenging and redefining their belief system. From this presentation, audiences will learn how to access their natural inner talents, how badly we have been programmed and how to change it. Read less
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Lizard Management Strategies

Stress and anxiety are the number one cause of workplace disruption, conflict, disengagement, and low productivity. The ability to manage stress and handle anxiety is a skill. Here is the fact that confronts many: the workplace does not cause stress and anxiety. How can we say this? Because, in any workplace, not everyone is stressed or anxious. Different people in the same context respond differently and, to keep it simple, respond either productively or negatively. Productive people who manage challenging environments well, who have what looks like natural confidence and who flourish in perceived adversity have well developed Lizard Management Strategies. This is a compelling idea that Colin has been developing for 20 years. It leaves everyone who hears this keynote or completes this workshop able to handle stress and anxiety immediately in their lives – professionally and personally. This can be a catalyst for both a cultural shift and for personal effectiveness to skyrocket. Read less
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Managing the Change Game

For many, change invokes fear and anxiety, so how can we make change an easier and less complicated palaver? You would think that we would improve at managing change with ALL the change everyone has been experiencing in their lives of late. So why aren't we? Structural and organisational change often fails to understand and appreciate the psychology of change. In this session, Colin unpacks the psychological change cycle and, once understood, lets people and teams manage the whole process far more effectively. Audiences will learn the skills and techniques for managing the difficult and dark days and how to support each other productively through the change game. Read less
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The Art of Storytelling

Stories define us individually and collectively. Using stories can shape and influence how people feel, think and behave more than almost any other form of communication. They can change opinions and inspire individuals and teams to achieve goals that many think impossible. In this keynote, Colin shares how to lead more effectively through storytelling and the six-story structures and when to use them. Read less
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The Engagement Myth

In today's workforce, the promise of a gold watch if you stick around is no longer enough. Instead, your employees need to be 'engaged' at all levels to develop true company loyalty. And you as a business want this; you need this! An 'engaged' employee will be more productive, less likely to leave and provide higher value in all contexts. Colin has been researching and analysing this very topic his whole career. With over 30 years of experience as a communicator and educator, he has had to build engagement and gain attention regardless of how negative, hostile or shut down people might be. In this session, he will take you through how to facilitate engagement from people who are not where you want them to be and how to communicate in a way that enlivens, engages, and motivates. Read less
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The Professional Employee

This keynote challenges everyone to think about their level of professionalism in their approach to their jobs, their work, and their careers. The employee who survives and thrives in the future will have to adopt the skills, qualities, and attitudes of a true professional. In this session, audiences will learn the skills, qualities and attitudes of a 'professional' employee, the ten rules a professional employee lives by and how to incorporate them into your everyday approach to work. Read less
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Colin James

One of Australia's Most Respected and Renowned Keynote Speakers and Co-Founder of the Colin James Method

Over the past 30 years, Colin has worked with senior executives and groups of all sizes, from varying cultures and different languages. He is well-known for his unique presentation style that makes full use of his storytelling ability and global experience. It is rare to find one person who can MC a conference brilliantly, deliver a high standard keynote, and run a deeply engaging workshop, all on the same day.

Since he was a child, Colin has always dreamed of becoming an Educator, and at 14-years-old, he ran adult literacy training for the Zulu workers at his boarding school in South Africa.

Having spent his life exploring cultures, religions and philosophies, Colin has travelled far and wide and has had adventures others could only imagine. He has made it his mission to explore how to communicate with impact and authority to engage, inform, inspire, and transform. These are all core requirements of anyone wanting to be an effective leader.

He is the Co-Founder of the Colin James Method. He and his team work with senior leadership teams, executive committees, and boards to develop executive effectiveness.

Colin has delivered programs and has spoken at hundreds of conferences and events in 34 countries.


Enquire about Colin James to speak at your next event