Rachael Pickworth - Women in Business - A consummate facilitator and business coach

Travels From New South Wales

Rachael Pickworth

A consummate facilitator and business coach

Rachael has been facilitating meetings and coaching people for over a decade. If it’s time to go to the next level, then let Rachael help you take the first step.

Her role is to draw out of you the answers, ah hah moments and a plan forward. Not doing it for you, but facilitating a process where you reflect, work on your life/career/business, stretch and grow. You change and as a result things around you change.

Although meetings, planning and goal setting sessions are crucial, they are often held sporadically or poorly, if at all. An external facilitator can ensure the meetings take place and are run efficiently and effectively, whilst addressing the big picture and the actions that need to occur to achieve the goals. And let’s not forget accountability. Having someone to hold the team accountable in a skilled way can take the pressure off the boss and ensure results.

Taking the team away from day-to-day operations is valuable when planning a project, developing strategy or establishing goals for the business or team. Facilitated planning sessions provide the perfect environment for people to be present, focused, creative and committed to the outcomes.

Having built her business Rachael has experienced the ups and downs of building it, staffing it, opening retail stores, developing products, handling the finances (before getting someone better at it to take over), wearing the marketing and sales hats and ultimately selling it.

Rachael knows what’s involved; knows it can be exhilarating when it’s going well and knows about the worry, stress and sleepless nights when it’s not.

Sometimes running a business can be a lonely business. There are some things you can’t talk to your staff about and taking your work home eventually takes a toll. A business coach will challenge you, be your sounding board, give you acknowledgement and feedback when you need it, ask you great questions to ensure you are on track with the business and to ensure your personal life is not coming a distant second.

Her clients are all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds – from a home-based massage therapist – to management in local government – to directors of large companies.  Each with different lives, goals and challenges.

Enquire about Rachael Pickworth to speak at your next event