Charlie Brown - Social Media - Australia

Travels From New South Wales

Charlie Brown

Australia's leading experts and commentators on lifestyle technology

As the technology editor for Channel Nine's Today Show, as well as regular appearances on Nine News, Charlie is particularly skilled at cutting through tech jargon and communicating difficult concepts to every kind of audience. With expertise knowledge on all kinds of media technology, he has become the go-to person for explaining consumer electronics in a clear and concise manner.

Outside of broadcasting, Charlie has also been invited to participate in the 2010 National Cyber Security Awareness Week by Senator Stephen Conroy (the Minister of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy) as an ambassador for the event.

Recently, Charlie is undertaking an incredible project between, and his own popular consumer tech website CyberShack. CBN Media, launched by Charlie in 2000, covers media channels of TV, Online and Events. The brand is also associated and partners with major companies around the world.


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