Ray Scicluna - Sales - An informative and entertaining speaker 

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

Create Magic Moments: Exceed Customer Expectations

For every business, private or public, large or small, now is the time to seize the competitive advantage with higher levels of service. Ray teaches audiences how to recognise and overcome the basic reason why people stop doing business with you, helps to maximises team commitment and builds confidence to help you embrace customer values and experiences needed to grow business. Read less
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Ready, Aim and Fire

We all live in the business world of sameness, so why should people make a decision to support your business over another? Discover how to build business in challenging times by: developing a point of difference, having a people focussed culture, and never turning off the marketing machine. Ray helps audiences identify what works and what does not, as well as how you can create a point of difference in the minds of your customers. Read less
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Ray Scicluna

An informative and entertaining speaker 

RAY SCICLUNA is an informative and entertaining speaker.  Ray wasn’t the brightest Kid at school growing up in the rough Western Suburbs of Melbourne … You had to have “street smarts” to survive.

Unable to read or write Ray was the MD of Video Gold, a business venture he started at the age of 22, Video Gold grew to a turnover of $90m in under 12 months. The revolutionary Video Gold copy depth leasing program (of new release movies for $1 a day) changed the video industry overnight and was responsible for the introduction of large shopping Centre type video libraries.

Bankrupt at 29, Ray fought back, buying the Video Ezy chain. Forming a super franchise team they took 13 stores to 360 before selling the franchise in 1998.   Ray has a very colorful life story and people who have heard Ray’s entertaining life journey are truly inspired by his conviction and “can do attitude”.  Success leaves traces, but so does failure, A story worth hearing.. If he can, anyone can!

Sometimes we spend too much time, energy, and money on things that have little impact on our Life’s.  Ray’s message is clear: Attitude Gets It Done, Create Magic Moments and Build a People Focused Culture!

Key Points:

  • Ray opened his first business at 13. By age 22 he started his third business which grew to a turnover of $90m in just under 3 years.
  • Ray has opened a total of 68 different businesses over the past 39 years.
  • He is the author of “Crossroads and Roundabouts: life is full of choices

Ray has used his “Street-Smart” instinct all his life and knows all too well that survival and success depends on the people around you.

  • Leaving school at the age of 13 and was unable to read or write until he was 31.
  • “Street-Smart” pays off once again; Ray’s real education started with business failure at the age of 29, he was declared bankrupt and lost all of his material wealth.
  • Self-employed for 39 years, Ray has employed 100’s of people, trained 1000’s of young people in customer service and helped 100’s of people manage and build better businesses.

Enquire about Ray Scicluna to speak at your next event