Fiona Redding - Motivational Speakers - Inspiring meaningful and long-lasting change in ou ...

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

The Steps for Change: Master Your Mind, Master Your Life

This presentation is designed to give people new ways of thinking and the tools and strategies to navigate life well, especially in these very challenging times that we are experiencing throughout COVID-19, and beyond. Your people will be encouraged to think about their lives holistically using The Seven Elements Framework for Life Integration. They will learn practical and implementable life (and business) changing tools and strategies, including how making their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing their number one priority will lead to success in every area of their lives. In this presentation, Fiona takes audiences through the steps that form part of any transformation. She asks Where are you now? How is it working out for you? What do you really want? How do you get from where you are now to where you want to be? What is stopping you? What’s your plan?. She teaches audiences how to set goals (and the 5 reasons why goals die a death on the boulevard of broken dreams), and how to take small daily action to build massive momentum. Read less
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Time Management: Developing This Superpower Will Change Your Life

If you are like most of the world, Fiona imagines that you are not that great at managing your time consistently to make sure that you can get what you want to get done, done. Without feeling stressed and overwhelmed and never coming out on top. In this presentation, she will step you through the way that you can to feel clearer and more focused about your direction, know how to determine priorities and make a daily plan, work out the best flow for your day, identify important, urgent, and trivial activities, see the importance to book ending your day, get honest about what is actually going on and what you are currently doing, as well as reflect on the impact it is having on you and what it is costing you in terms of peace of mind, lack of productivity and stress. Read less
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Fiona Redding

Inspiring meaningful and long-lasting change in our personal lives

A voice of reason, hope and inspiration in even the most challenging of times, Fiona Redding has been connecting with audiences through her honest but compassionate personality.

Fiona has pioneered change as the founder of The Happiness Hunter and creator of the Steps for Change program. She continues to share insight as a host on The Happiness Hunter podcast, as well as on the highly-acclaimed Business Addicts podcast.

Fiona has also published several books, including The Happiness Hunter’s Guide to Meditation and It Is Possible: Radical Transformation Through The Power Of Belief.

Fiona is determined to help her audience completely shift their perspectives on themselves and the world around them. Drawing on years of experience turning her own life around (including the near collapse of her business during the pandemic), Fiona inspires her audiences to seek happiness when overcoming challenges in everyday life. She imparts practical strategies, tools and frameworks to create long-lasting and meaningful change.

A highly-entertaining presenter, Fiona promotes strategies for improving life holistically, including how prioritising your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing will lead to well-rounded success in your life. Presented with compassion and kindness, Fiona’s presentation will leave audiences inspired to make impactful changes in their own lives.


Enquire about Fiona Redding to speak at your next event