Corporal Mark Donaldson VC

Member of Australia’s SAS awarded the Australian Victoria Cross for his heroism in Afghanistan

Growing up after losing both parents as a teenager, Corporal Mark Donaldson had a difficult childhood that could have led him astray. Instead, Mark was determined to take control of his own life against the circumstances put before him, and chose to join the Australian Army.

As part of the Australian SAS, Corporal Mark Donaldson found himself in Eastern Afghanistan in September of 2008. Mark’s extraordinary display of courage would later be recognised with an Australian Victoria Cross for Gallantry.

A natural in the military, Mark excelled in all areas of military life and passed the difficult obstacles in the way to being a member of the SAS. He has toured East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan, and reminds himself of his fortune through a bullet that remains lodged in his leg today.

With a genuine understanding of what leadership entails, Mark prioritises effective communication and strong teamwork to achieve success. He also hopes to instill audiences with the strategies in resilience that have helped him implement change. 

Mark is married with two kids. His best-selling book “The Cross Road – a story of life, death and the SAS,” has resonated with readers around the country. He is also the patron of Soldier On, a philanthropic group focused on assisting soldiers with PTSD transition back into normal life.

An incredible display of courage and leadership, Mark wants to share his story to help others find the strength to overcome adversity in their own lives.

Enquire about Corporal Mark Donaldson VC to speak at your next event