Emma Murray - Mindfulness & Mental Health - Founder of High-Performance Mindfulness, Emma has  ...

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Change your state to change your performance (and your life)

For organisations wishing to improve efficiency, culture and results instantly this presentation is for you. Ideal for either large or small groups, employees, students or athletes will immediately learn how to focus better, feel more energised and engaged. Read less
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Family tragedy and a story of survival through the use of mindfulness, perspective and determination

Emma tells her familys story of surviving their sons tragic accident and subsequent quadriplegia in a way which not only captures the hearts and attention of her audience, but also inspires them to switch their own perspectives and strive to change and improve the story they are currently living. Emma skilfully weaves practical skills and lessons into her presentation, bringing to life the elements of mindfulness, gratitude and empathy. Read less
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Inside the minds of some of AFL's top players, including de-identified personal stories

Ever wondered what an AFL player really feels and thinks? Ever wondered what makes someone a champion and someone else fail? Emma gives the audience a rare insight into the minds of some of the AFLs top players whilst at the same time giving her audience some valuable take outs to improve their own performance and become champions in their own lives. Read less
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Taming the monkey in your mind

Emma captures the essence of mindfulness in a fun and engaging way in this presentation. By including practical exercises and strategies, this presentation is ideal for both large and small groups. Read less
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Understanding the machine in our mind and how to control our attention to achieve more, perform bett

Emma runs this presentation in workshop format and is ideal for use as part of a bigger sales training program, company conference or school VCE program. This workshop uses practical exercises and examples taken from the AFL and sporting world to hit home the skill and importance of attention control. Watch efficiency, concentration and engagement soar after participants become aware of a new and better way to operate. Read less
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Emma Murray

Founder of High-Performance Mindfulness, Emma has guided AFL teams to premierships, Olympic athletes to the podium and businesses to success.

Emma Murray is one of Australia’s leading practitioners on mindfulness and high-performance mind coaches. With her background in psychology and as a former athlete, she aims to help athletes push boundaries and overcome mental challenges to heighten their peak performance. 

Emma played national-level netball and attended the AIS before becoming an accredited mindfulness and meditation teacher, NLP Master Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist. 

She is perhaps best known for the impact she has had on the AFL, particularly with the Richmond Football Club’s premierships in 2017, 2019 and 2020. Colloquially known in the media as “The Secret Weapon”, Emma’s high-performance mindfulness strategies and daily exercises provide effective methods to attain and maintain excellence in performance execution. Her strategies have received commendations from players for her effective focus on advanced present moment awareness, improved emotional regulation and enhanced focus sustainability. 

Emma’s practice is grounded in the science and art of mindfulness and high-performance psychology. Emma has herself applied mindfulness in overcoming challenges within her own family when her son’s spinal cord injury left him quadriplegic. 

Emma wants her audiences to understand what is required of them to own those ‘high performance moments’ in their lives. She’s adamant that when anyone recognises what is entailed in achieving excellence in every moment, confidence and vigour begins to replace self-doubt and nerves. 

“Everyone from students to stay-at-home parents, to top CEOs and sports people can learn to recognise what is required for them to do their best in each and every moment… that is when they start to feel re-energised, connected to their passions, confident and valuable. It is only then that “struggle” is replaced with calmness, optimism, acceptance and worthiness.”

Outside of the Brownlows, Norm Smiths and Olympic Golds attributed to her, Emma is equally fulfilled by the work she has carried out to help many men and women of all job descriptions. She has utilised her expertise to helping parents find balance and students find self-belief. 

Emma has proven time and time again that through her methodologies, anyone can attain greatness and achieve their full potential. She’s determined to help as many people as possible take their lives to the next level.


Enquire about Emma Murray to speak at your next event