Narelda Jacobs - MCs & Hosts - Channel Ten News presenter, journalist, master of  ...

Travels From New South Wales

Narelda Jacobs

Channel Ten News presenter, journalist, master of ceremonies and speaker.

Narelda Jacobs is a Whadjuk Noongar presenter from Boorloo/Perth. Her career at Network 10 has spanned more than two decades, starting in the Perth newsroom in 2000 before heading to Sydney in January 2020 to co-host Studio 10 and continue presenting 10 News First Perth.

Narelda is a regular at NITV and SBS, co-hosting Mardi Gras, The Point and the January 26 Sunrise Ceremony.  Narelda has appeared on The Project, Q+A and stages across Australia introducing Prime Ministers, international leaders and humanitarian advocates.

Narelda is passionate about promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and is on the board of The Walkley Foundation, Dame Changer and Welcome to Country. She is on the Football Federation of Australia’s Indigenous Advisory Committee and is a patron of Motor Neurone Disease Association WA, WA Aboriginal Leadership Institute, The Pinnacle Foundation and Deadly Science.

Narelda is also an assured, articulate and polished master of ceremonies who has hosted numerous corporate and government events and awards evenings. Her presence brings a touch of class to any occasion. She is also a much in-demand speaker for corporate events. 

Enquire about Narelda Jacobs to speak at your next event