Martin Ralph - MCs & Hosts - When rare skills, mad science and friendly comedy  ...

Travels From Victoria

Martin Ralph

When rare skills, mad science and friendly comedy collide.

Martin Ralph has been a unique performer for over 20 years. His skills are best described as a combination of mad science and family friendly comedy. 

Using his marvellous inventions including a self-propelled gyroscope that runs through the audience, the world’s largest spinning tops, stringless yo-yo and much more, has Martin’s audiences constantly providing him with standing ovations.

Martin has perfected his unique, impossible to compare, performance. Thanks to his Elite Olympian Athlete and Coaching background he is aware of what is required to professionally prepare, entertain and captivate any audience. 

Martin offers “Hoaxing”. Martin is introduced as a serious speaker who subtly converts that speech into tailored comedy suited to your organisation’s theme and objective. He can personalise his material for the well-known identities associated with your organisation. “Hoaxing” takes the audience by surprise adding to the compelling message Martin has been instructed to provide your audience. 

Satisfied clients include Ford Australia, Toshiba, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Shire Councils, Firefighters, Wine Companies, Marketing Consultants and more. The common thread of these references being how funny, unique, engaging and adaptable Martin is and how successful their event was due to Martin’s tailored contribution.


Enquire about Martin Ralph to speak at your next event