
Travels From South Australia


MCs & Hosts

Andrew 'Cosi' Costello

The passion that Cosi has for life is infectious to everyone!

Household name Andrew ‘Cosi’ Costello is a radio host, television presenter, travel host and social media commentator. He has worked in the media for over 20 years, using his experiences to be an informed and entertaining MC and Facilitator for any event.

Awarded SA Journalist of the Year in 2005, Cosi has won many awards including an Australian Commercial Radio Award for Best Radio Feature which highlighted the plight of people experiencing homelessness.

Now head of ‘South Aussie with Cosi’, a travel television program, Cosi has dedicated his life to promoting his sate and the people who call it home. He is passionate about encouraging others to travel and explore all the state has to offer.

Interacting with his fans on social media, Cosi has a significant voice amongst South Australians, advocating their voices and opinions. He regularly volunteers and uses his time to help those doing it tough and the less fortunate. Cosi has hosted a multitude of events to help others a camping trips for single mums and their kids, a birthday party at the Adelaide Zoo for 100 children who’d missed out on celebrations through social isolation or illness and a movie screening for families who have a child with disability.

In 2013, after seeing the extreme levels of poverty in other parts of the world, Cosi founded the charity Cows for Cambodia. The charity loans pregnant cows to poor Cambodian families until it gives birth, providing the family with their own calf to breed from. He helps to raise money, as well as take groups overseas to Cambodia to work on the project. The charity now raised over a quarter of a million dollars each year and has recently seen the completion of a western cattle complex, built 40 min out of Siem Reap.

In 2018, Cosi won the South Australian Local hero Award and was a finalist for the Australian of the Year for his achievements in charity and tourism.

A perfect speaker, MC or host, Cosi offers his online and media experience to help strengthen companies and provides entertainment and amusement for any audience.

Enquire about Andrew 'Cosi' Costello to speak at your next event