Narelle Fraser - Inspirational -

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Life after Victoria Police – “one door closes and another opens”

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Overcoming adversities

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The strengths and vulnerabilities of being a female Police officer

Vulnerability is a leadership strength

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Workplace behaviours and acceptance of differences

Narelle Fraser

Narelle was a member of Victoria Police for 27 years, 15 of those as a Detective ‘doing time’ at the Rape and Homicide Squads and Missing Persons Unit, but dedicating much of her career to investigating child abuse and sex offences.

Narelle received many awards during her successful career and had a reputation as a dedicated, meticulous and passionate Investigator. She worked on high profile investigations including Anna & Gracie Sharpe (by ‘Mornington Monster’ John Sharpe), Margaret & Paul Wales-King (the Society Murders), Maria Korp (the body in the boot case), the 2002 Bali Bombing, horrific infanticide investigations, Geoff Clarke (the then ATSIC Commissioner), The Ascot Vale Rapist and many more. She has stared death and trauma in the face throughout her career.

In 2012, Narelle began to realise what had been her world, was starting to crumble. A diagnosis she wasn’t expecting, turned her world upside down – a world she loved. It took courage and determination to accept and face her vulnerabilities – but out of that adversity came a new career path and new opportunities. Narelle’s journey will make you think deeply about your own vulnerabilities & strengths.

Narelle gives a fascinating and often humorous insight into the daily life of a Police Officer from a female perspective, and takes you inside a world you will find hard to believe at times. Narelle recants stories which will make you laugh, cry and just shake your head in disbelief and amazement.

Narelle has appeared on national television, in radio, print & social media including her gripping & highly popular podcast on Australian True Crime with Meshel Laurie & Emily Webb. She is a member of AIPI (Australian Institute of Professional Investigators), National Speakers Association of Australia, Toastmasters, has lectured in Investigation Techniques, and Human Rights, trains investigators with training provider 'Investigator Upgrade' and has presented at many functions, groups and clubs.

Narelle’s presentation will entertain you – there is no doubt about that!

Enquire about Narelle Fraser to speak at your next event