Morris Miselowski - Futurists & Future Trends - Know your industry and where your business future  ...

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Morris Miselowski

Know your industry and where your business future lies

Some people consider Morris one of the best business futurists in the world. Many consider Morris to be one of Australia’s most influential and memorable speakers. Both are correct but there is much more to Morris Miselowski than that.

He’s a firebrand, a forward thinker, and an extremely powerful visionary. Morris is able to see what’s coming and most importantly advise you as to how to apply and utilize this information in a way that will drive and enhance your business along with most significantly its bottom line.

As you would no doubt anticipate from a futurist, Morris recognizes that the many and various changes we’ll see in the next ten years will surpass that of the previous hundred years. He also recognizes that by the year 2020, 60% of our workforce will be performing many roles and tasks that don’t currently exist, introducing products and services we can only imagine and envisage in industries and businesses that have not as yet been created. Due to his real life experience in high level business strategy Morris is able to skillfully explain these future based thoughts assisting you to put into place strategic plans that will assist your business greatly; no matter the scope, size, or industry.

This is a talent that Morris has refined and perfected over his renowned 30 year career.

In his earlier professional years, Morris utilized his forward thinking and future focused insights to start, develop and then sell a number of his own successful and enterprising businesses; of which all were extremely prosperous and lucrative. 

Morris has and continues to consult to some of the top international companies and organisations, he has worked with thousands of global CEOs and decision makers providing billions of dollars to their bottom lines and ensuring success and growth. Also lecturing at a large number of prominent Universities , TAFEs and Colleges, Morris has conducted numerous TV, radio and print media interviews and presented to many sell-out audiences across the world, including the prestigious TEDx stage.

Known to be extremely energetic, very engaging, and highly interactive, Morris’ presentations, workshops and webinars are tailor-made for each audience, packed with valuable content along with very current insights.

Although the content of his presentations is varied and diverse, the outcome is unfailing, Morris consistently leaves his audiences totally prepared to comprehend, appreciate, and embrace and to take full advantage of the business opportunities and triumphs that live in the future.

Our world is changing and shifting much faster than you would ever imagine and envisage. How will you ensure that you and your business stay informed and current? How can you work to predict and calculate the evolution and advancements of your industry and the people who work in it? Where will your future earnings and profits lie and how can you take full advantage of this new world?

A most popular business speaker Morris is available for corporate engagements in Australia and internationally. Morris will ensure you are not left wondering how your business future got away.

Enquire about Morris Miselowski to speak at your next event