Meredith Collins - Entrepreneur - Social Media programs that work for business.

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

5 dysfunctions of a team

7 traits of self leadership

Brave boundaries

Catch you breath

Circle of choice

Controlled or controlling?

Busting the shackles Read less
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Dropping the shame shields

Eco system of groups

Ego and our hustle of self-worth

Embracing change, or not?

How emotionally intelligent are you?


Moving - towards, away, and against

Needing to be our best selves

Ninja Communication

Resilience keystoning

Resilience rules

The anatomy of trust

The art of self compassion

The dreaded drama triangle

Values and how they might light our way

Victim, Viking or Victor

Meredith Collins

Social Media programs that work for business.

Meredith Collins is an entertaining, self-deprecating story teller who likes to “keep it real”. Having worked in private enterprise, government organisations and run her own consultancy, she is both familiar and comfortable in the messiness of being human. She brings a unique spin to Human Dynamics and Leadership at all levels within organisations. Her expertise and experience lends itself to discussing culture, high performance, resilience and professional and personal development, and beyond.

She believes organisations who recognise that the “whole person” brings themselves to work, their strengths and struggles as well as unique gifts, the sooner organisations can tap into passion, purpose and profits. But that means we might have to talk to each other!

Communication is raised time and time again as a key, yet poor communication practice regularly cited as a barrier to success. Meredith recognises that getting back to basics and shining a light on the fact we are more the same than we are different, holds a key to our collective success. She strongly believes that if we stopped talking about Leadership and started taking micro, baby steps, and became willing to do some of the uncomfortable work; that might help too!

Meredith is extraordinarily relatable, both face to face and online, with an ability to connect with a range of audiences and she’s been recognised as “making a huge difference”. She does not shy away from addressing difficult issues and has an innate ability to get a wide group of very different people to share insights into human behaviour.

Her focus on human dynamics and performance includes a diverse library of topics such as resilience, building trusting and trustworthy relationships, change management, the ego and hustle for survival, boundary setting, and much more. Those that have had the joy of learning from Meredith walk away more productive, better educated and with a new, more positive perspective. Meredith is a very high energy person and audiences resonate with that.

Meredith is a keen consumer of Thought Leadership podcasts, actively mentors in the broader community and holds qualifications in Marketing, eLearning, Adult Education, Neuro Linguistic Programing, Leadership and Management Communications.

Enquire about Meredith Collins to speak at your next event