Tracey Currie - Education Speakers - Hear from a women that is changing the health sect ...

Travels From Victoria

Tracey Currie

Hear from a women that is changing the health sector

As a proud Badtjala woman from the Fraser Coast in Queensland, Tracey Currie has worked in the health sector for over two decades.

Holding a Bachelor of Social Science, as well as postgraduate studies in Journalism and Public Sector Management, Tracey is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management.

Previously, Tracey has worked as the CEO of Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative, Awabakal Aboriginal Co-operative, and the peak Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Council of Tasmania.

She has held a number of boards and advisory committee positions at both national and local levels, including for the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Healing Foundation, the Alcohol and Drug Council of Australia Policy Council, National Co-Morbidity Forum, the Weetapoona Aboriginal Corporation, the National Aboriginal Workforce Committee for the Department of Education, Science and Training and the Department of Health and Ageing.

Enquire about Tracey Currie to speak at your next event