Dr Michael Nagel  - Education Speakers - Expert in providing contemporary insights into lea ...

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

Fifty Shades of Play

At a time when more and more young people are on screens or being hyper-educated to achieve academic success the importance of play could not be more important.  Play, at all ages, is integral to healthy overall development and important for society.  We all want children to become socially competent and mentally and physically healty adults who can succeed in all aspects of life and play is the cornerstone for ensuring such outcomes. Relatedly, playing outdoors and spending time in nature adds another layer to children’s overall healthy development.  This presentation explores this important topic by looking at how the brain develops and how play shapes the neural hardwiring of a healthy mind.

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Toddlers, Tweens, Teens and Screens: How Technology May Be Harming the Developing Brain!

What are the most important things we can do to nurture the development of young minds and what might hinder that development?  The first part of that question has an extensive body of research to support it.  And while we do have insights into what can hinder development, the last decade has demonstrated that Intensive Early Screen Exposure (IESE) and overall time on screens appears to be having a range of detrimental impacts on the developing brain.  In this presentation, Dr Michael Nagel will present evidence and research that looks at how screens might literally be reshaping the brains of young people in less than helpful ways.  He will also present the steps that can be taken to ensure children and teens have the optimum environment to grow and develop in a world saturated in technology.

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Virtual Autism, Depression and Other Screen Disorders.

From birth through adolescence the human brain is busy maturing and developing into one of the most extraordinary phenomenon in the universe.  The transition from child to adult depends in part on getting the right kinds of experiences at the right time to ensure optimum development. Since 2010 those experiences have been hijacked by screen devices, apps and social media resulting in increases in a vast array of disorders.  This presentation explores the impact of screens on the developing brain and how they may be rewiring the minds of those who have never lived without the internet.  It also unpacks what can be done to alleviate the hijacking noted above to ensure young minds get the types of experiences necessary to ensure healthy development and life outcomes.

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Dr Michael Nagel

Expert in providing contemporary insights into learning, motivation and 21st century learners.

Dr Michael Nagel is an Associate Professor in child adolescent development at the University of the Sunshine Coast where he teaches and researches in the areas of cognition, stress, human development, behaviour and learning.  He is the author of nineteen books and has delivered over 300 presentations nationally and internationally.  

Nominated as Australian Lecturer of the Year each year since 2010, Dr Nagel has been an invited guest on ‘TV New Zealand Breakfast’, ‘Canada AM’, ‘Sunrise’, ‘A Current Affair’ and ‘The Project’.  Dr Nagel is also a member of the prestigious International Neuropsychological Society, and is a feature writer for ‘Jigsaw’ and the ‘Child’ series of magazines which collectively offers parenting advice to more than one million Australian readers.  

He has been widely published in numerous journal and textbooks and is the author of 'Boys-Stir-Us: Working WITH the Hidden Nature of Boys', In The Beginning: The Brain, Early Development and Learning’, Nurturing A Healthy Mind: Doing What Matters Most For Your Child’s Developing Brain’ and 'It's A Girl Thing'. Dr Nagel is also a member of the prestigious International Neuropsychological Society and a feature writer for the 'Child' series of magazines which offers parenting advice to more than one million Australian readers.


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