Matthew Evans  - Celebrity Chefs - Australia’s leading consumer advocate, with a ba ...

Travels From Tasmania


Celebrity Chefs

Matthew Evans

Australia’s leading consumer advocate, with a background as an author, chef and farmer

With a background as a chef and restaurant critic, Matthew Evans decided to pivot his career ambitions when he became a smallholder in Tasmania’s peaceful Huon Valley. Living and working on Fat Pig Farm, Matthew regularly hosts Friday Feasts where visitors can taste the freshest ingredients at Tasmania’s first farm-to-table restaurant. 

Matt is also a regular presenter on SBS, having presented on the popular Gourmet Farmer and Gourmet Farmer Afloat, as well as in the eye-opening documentary What’s The Catch. 

As one of Australia’s leading consumer advocate, Matthew launched a campaign to change the labelling laws behind seafood. He also spread awareness through his three-part SBS documentary series For the Love of Meat.

He continues to share his love of cooking, as well as advocating for sustainable consumption habits, among his eleven books, including the authoritative Real Food Companion, and Not Just Jam. He has co-authored two books with Nick Haddow and Ross O’Meara, The Gourmet Farmer Deli Book and The Gourmet Farmer Goes Fishing.

With a real love of food and a deep understanding of sustainability trends within the industry, Matthew Evans is the perfect speaker for any thought-provoking function.

Enquire about Matthew Evans to speak at your next event