Andrew Griffiths - Business Speakers - The Entrepreneurial Futurist, Best-Selling Busines ...

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

7 Strategies for Future-Proofing yourself, your business and even your industry.

As the Entrepreneurial Futurist, I'm all about future-proofing. In this lively presentation, I'll share my 7 key strategies that, if followed, will future-proof us as individuals, business owners, entrepreneurs and even entire industries. In reality, with the rate of change speeding up, the risk of losing relevance with our targeted customers has never been more real or more rapid. We all need to have a strategic plan to ensure that we stay relevant, and that, in turn, is exactly what will future-proof us in the years ahead. Read less
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It's time for some good old school marketing.

In a world obsessed with all things digital, marketing has in many ways become very challenging when it comes to standing out from our competitors. I’ve been a fan of old school marketing for a long time (since writing the iconic 101 Ways to Market Your Business in 2000, in fact), and I believe that it has more relevance today than ever. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying digital is wrong, far from it, I’m saying that if we mix digital marketing and old school marketing, we can get far more cut through - which can only be a good thing. If we can master old school marketing as well as new school marketing, we gain an exceptional competitive advantage - something everyone in business needs. Read less
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Make the move from transactions to experiences.

One of the single biggest shifts in the business world in recent years has been the shift for consumers, where they are moving from accepting transactions to demanding experiences whenever they spend their money. Customer service means a whole different thing today to what it meant 10 years ago, and most businesses are struggling to adapt to their customers' expectations. Failing to master this is a sure-fire recipe for disaster. This is a presentation I'm being asked to deliver more often as businesses around the world realize just how important creating experiences has become. I love it, I'm passionate about it, and I've presented on this topic everywhere from Iran to London. Read less
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Never let a good CRISIS go to waste.

As we figure out what the world looks like in the aftermath of COVID19, there is no doubt for many of us, that the way we do business has changed dramatically. We've found business models that no longer work, markets disappeared, challenges with our staff, our mental wellbeing and much more. At the same time, new opportunities that we could never have imagined are appearing. Our customers have changed, what they want is different now from what they wanted before. The reality is that crisis is not something new. I've been through so many in my 35 years as a business owner and an entrepreneur, some external, some internal, all have taught me a great deal about doing business. If we are smart about how we approach a crisis, and rest assured there will be more, we can actually come out the other side in a much stronger place. And that is the ultimate way to future-proof ourselves. Read less
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Someone has to be the most expensive - why not make it you?

Hot off the back of my latest book, "Someone has to be the most expensive, why not make it you?", this keynote presentation is designed to help business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders - really anyone in business, appreciate their worth and value in a changing world. Being the cheapest is a terrible strategy, filled with so many issues. But it's not easy to start charging what you're worth if we are running on old data, poor self-worth and lack of an alternative model. My whole message here is that there has never been a time than right now to start charging what you are truly worth. Someone has to be the most expensive, why not make it you? But if you're going to be the most expensive you have to be the best. And this covers a lot of ground. Energetic, fun and with a deep and powerful message, this is one of my most popular presentations. Read less
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The Future of Business – 2030

There is little doubt that the world is changing at a ridiculously rapid rate, with direct impact and resultant consequences on all of us. Nowhere is this being felt more than in the world of business. We are seeing industries struggling to keep up and old, well-established businesses disappearing from the face of the planet simply because they are unable to evolve to survive and thrive in the new world. In this presentation, I share what I have observed to be the most important considerations and focus for businesses of all kinds to future proof themselves as we hurtle towards 2030. And rest assured there are plenty of upsides. In many ways, it has never been easier to stand out from the crowd but to do this, we need to really rethink a number of key aspects of our business, and that's exactly what I'll be talking about as I aim to inspire, educate and entertain your audience. Read less
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The ME MYTH - harnessing the power of empathy in the modern business world.

This presentation really showcases my story – starting life as an orphan and overcoming the often predictable life that comes from an unusual beginning. I talk about the key learnings I’ve had in my life, everything from near-death experiences as a commercial diver through to becoming a global bestselling author and speaker. It’s inspirational, funny, uplifting - and a great story of overcoming adversity. Read less
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What innovation in business really looks like around the world.

In this thoroughly engaging presentation, I share many stories about the face of innovation around the world - what it really looks like and what it means for the rest of us in business. This is a great opening keynote for any event with an innovation theme or an energetic presentation for later in the day when you want to get your audience laughing, engaged and thinking about the things that matter. I report on business innovation across a range of mediums for organisations, including, CBS, Flying Solo, Smallville and many more. It's a topic I absolutely love, with many lessons to be learned for business owners. Read less
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What I’ve learned from 35 years as a business owner.

Being a successful Small Business owner for 35 years means I have definitely learnt a thing or two along the way. Today, as a bestselling business and entrepreneurial author, with 13 books sold in over 65 countries, I compare not only my own learnings but also the experiences of hundreds of thousands of Small Business owners around the world to share what are the key lessons to succeed in business. These are not what you think - and they will certainly challenge traditional thinking. My first business was a dive shop, and from there I've had a host of businesses, all successful and all with very significant lessons to be shared. Read less
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Andrew Griffiths

The Entrepreneurial Futurist, Best-Selling Business Author

Andrew Griffiths is best described as an entrepreneurial futurist - in other words he specialises in future proofing businesses across virtually every industry and in every corner of the planet. With 13 bestselling books sold in 65 countries (and he has just released his 14th book) and a client base that includes organisations such as the European Union, CBS, Hewlett Packard, Hertz and Telstra, to mention just a few of the 500 organisations he has worked with, he is clearly sought after to provide advice and wisdom for the smallest of businesses to the largest of organisations.

Andrew is able to share his observations, experiences and research from around to world to identify the exact steps any organisation needs to take to become future proof. And he delivers his advice in a down to earth, simple and often hilarious way. Andrew has been a commentator on all things business for many years for organisations including INC, CBS, Newscorp and Flying Solo. He has created thousands of sharp, relevant and insightful articles, videos and podcast episodes as well as being interviewed hundreds of times by various media around the world.

Andrew’s advice is a combination of street smart wisdom, practical concepts and productive triggers, derived from the hard learned lessons with his own trial and error, as well as years of close observation and identification of the characteristics shared by both the really successful and the really unsuccessful. Andrew started his business world at the age of 18 as a commercial diver, he taught bush survival skills in the outback of Western Australia, ran his own travel business, his own SCUBA school, an advertising business and most recently a marketing consultancy.

Described by many as the big man with the big heart, Andrew is on a mission to share the entrepreneurial rites of passage that he has learned to help others set themselves apart from the crowd and to stay relevant with their customers for a lifetime. In a world where simply keeping up is proving the greatest challenge, hearing about what is happening with both the big business world and the small business world, from someone with 35 years of entrepreneurial experience, is hugely beneficial.


Enquire about Andrew Griffiths to speak at your next event