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Kate Toon - Branding & Marketing - Kate Toon is an award-winning business mentor and  ...

Travels From New South Wales

Kate Toon

Kate Toon is an award-winning business mentor and digital marketing coach. She’s down to earth human and on a mission to demystify the realities of running a successful online business.

Her Stay Tooned group of companies include the Digital Marketing Collective, The Clever Copywriting School, and The Recipe for SEO Success. Kate’s helped more than 20,000 other businesses demystify digital marketing, grapple the Google Beast, and find their version of success.

Kate is a renowned speaker, podcaster and author, and was named Australia’s Most Influential Small Business Woman (2022), one of Australia’s Top 50 Small Business Leaders (2022), and Businesswoman of the Year and Training & Education Provider of the Year at the national My Business Awards (2020).

She’s the author of Six Figures in School Hours: How to run a successful business and still be a good parent (2023), and a resident expert on Kochie’s Business Builders. She’s also the founder of The Digital Marketing Collective Conference and CopyCon and The Digital Marketing Collective Conference.

On top of this Kate has three podcasts, speakers around the world and is learnng to rollerskate.

And all this from the Toon Cave in her backyard, accompanied only by her very own CFO (Chief Furry Office-Dog) Pomplemousse and assisted remotely by a small team of talented humans.


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