Wobbly Waiters - After Dinner Entertainers - These Waiters are not as they appear

Travels From Victoria

Wobbly Waiters

These Waiters are not as they appear

Discover some hilariously interactive entertainment through Wobbly Waiters.

Dressed as professional waiters, the Wobblies seamlessly blend with venue staff, interacting with guests in a formal and professional manner as you would expect. However, guests are soon to discover all is not as it seems.

All of a sudden, a commotion ensues as guests get cornered with safety tape due to crumb violations, or on-the-spot fines for etiquette breaches, or even get sold duty-free goods from recent trips.

Wobbly Waiters ensure an entertaining start to any event, that is sure to leave the room buzzing with excitement. 

Enquire about Wobbly Waiters to speak at your next event