Danielle Dobson - Women in Business - Unlocking the full potential of women in leadershi ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

How the Gender Code is driving unconscious bias and impacting relationships, careers and businesses.

Key steps and tools for leaders to build inclusive environments where everyone performs at their b

Key steps and tools for women and men to write a unique code for life, to navigate the rapidly evo

Why it's important to break the Gender Code personally and professionally. 

Danielle Dobson

Unlocking the full potential of women in leadership & life

Danielle Dobson is a wellness coach and executive coach, with special expertise in the issue of gender inequality. Passionate about the intersections between gender equality and strong leadership, Danielle regularly works with industry professionals to help them navigate the rapidly evolving world of work and relationships.

With a background as a Certified Practising Accountant in the corporate industry, Danielle pivoted her career when she became fascinated by the struggles of women in maintaining work-life balance.

By interviewing over fifty female leaders in a diverse range of industries, Danielle was determined to understand the underpinning issues that impact women, as well as identify practical solutions that could alleviate the imbalance. In the end, her research concluded that the Gender Code was still a pertinent issue in many facets of society, including the workplace.

Danielle shares her research and insight through her writing. She is the author of 'Breaking the Gender Code', and regularly contributes to publications around the country. She has been consulted by global companies for her ability to understand social issues and address them at an individual level.

An incredible speaker, Danielle connects with audiences through her warmth and extensive knowledge. She is determined to help people crack the Gender Code and move beyond outdated societal norms. In doing so, she hopes to foster a more inclusive future in people’s personal and professional lives. 


Enquire about Danielle Dobson to speak at your next event