Dr Deane Hutton - Sustainability and Environmentalists - A passionate advocator for science and technology& ...

Travels From South Australia

Speaker Topics

Creating the Future

We cannot change the past but we can change the future. This keynote shows business groups how to define goals, select appropriate technologies and strategies, and implement change. Explore new communication technologies, transport technologies, materials science, medical advances and biotechnology. The best way to predict the future is to build the future you want! Read less
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How to Switch Your Audience On!: Show business strategies in business communication

This keynote examines some of the tried and tested storytelling techniques that have been used for years in film and television. These include the concept of the hook to grab attention, the element of surprise, and a call to action. Deane shows how each of these show business strategies can be applied in business communication and staff team building. Read less
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Predicting the Future: From crystal ball to silicon chip

Examine the wide range of techniques and procedures which have been used through the years in attempting to predict what will happen next. These techniques include crystal ball gazing, composing and playing jazz music, preparing game plans for sporting contests, analysing the stock market, and preparing a weather forecast. Deane shows that with careful application of new technologies and communication devices, we can predict the future by creating it! Read less
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Show and Tell: New communication technologies

Communication technologies have changed dramatically in the past 20 years. It is now possible for anyone to convey any message, in words and pictures, to another person or group anywhere in the world, instantaneously! Deane describes the potential and possible future directions of both mass media and the social media. Read less
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The Foreseeable Future: Life in the 21st century

In his keynote, Deane takes the audience on a whirlwind tour of the world we will experience in the next 20 years. With stories, drama, video and computer, he creates visions of the future. Deane invites members of the audience to experience simulations of the changes which are approaching. Read less
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The Science of Winning

A fast moving, high energy, visual extravaganza of scientific experiments and demonstrations. Deane draws on his skill and experience, as a science and technology writer and presenter to weave together a spell binding presentation. Read less
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Dr Deane Hutton

A passionate advocator for science and technology 

Dr Deane Hutton has been a passionate advocator for science and technology for more than 30 years.  Appearing as the much-loved presenter on The Curiosity Show, Hutton ignited a scientific flame in many young Australian children who could not wait to come home from school and watch his experiments.  Deane went on to appear on “Hey, Hey it’s Saturday”, Seven News” and “The New Inventors”.  Deane has also hosted radio programs on FiveAA in Adelaide and on Radio CVC across Asia and Africa.

As a futurist, he presents keynote addresses at more than seventy venues every year, presenting to schools, seminars and business conferences.  Having worked as a teacher, film producer, television presenter and teacher across the Asia Pacific, Dean uses his communication experience to engage the audience. Hutton also embraces technology and uses video, graphics, demonstrations and audience interaction and participation to help attendees garner a passion for recognising future trends, the ability to embrace change and create their own desired future.

In 2009 Dean wrote and presented an interactive keynote called “Going Green with Dr Deane”.  Since the initial delivery, this presentation has been requested and delivered more than 200 times. 


Enquire about Dr Deane Hutton to speak at your next event