Tristan Miller - Motivational Speakers - Tristan Millers was the first person to run 52 MarĀ ...

Travels From Victoria

Tristan Miller

Tristan Millers was the first person to run 52 Marathons in 52 weeks, after being confronted by the global financial crisis.

In 2010, Tristan Miller became the first person to run fifty-two marathons in fifty-two weeks, in 42 countries and 7 continents. He had spent a few years working in advert sales earlier with Google, but was made redundant after the Melbourne office was shut down as a result of the global financial crisis. Instead of searching for a new job, Tristan decided to take his misfortune as an opportunity to change his life and take on a thrilling, brand new challenge.

He sold virtually everything he owned to fund his worldwide adventure, in which he raised funds for the charities UNICEF, and Facing Africa. He ran in all of the major international marathons such as New York, Tokyo, London, and even across the frozen landscape of Antarctica. His stories of heroism and overcoming adversity are dynamic and captivating, and he engrosses people in his story through the ability to provide insight into the profound modifications that he went through to make his journey possible. Tristan carried a digital camera to capture many of these moments, making his presentations visually enjoyable as well.

Tristan made nationwide headlines before he had even left, and on his return to Australia his title was printed in numerous languages worldwide, growing thousands of passionate followers across the globe. In 2012, Tristan released his book, ‘Run Like Crazy’, which focuses on the ability to do whatever you want to, if you believe in yourself.

Tristan’s articulate and friendly approach to telling his story make his presentations not only entertaining, but also fascinating to his audience, leaving them wondering what’s next for the hero of running. He speaks on the importance of embracing change, inspiration, perseverance during difficult times, and challenging yourself in order to achieve goals. Tristan’s story shows how even a regular guy can take on incredible feats with the right motivation, with the aim of leaving his audience inspired and imagining what they are capable of achieving too. 

Enquire about Tristan Miller to speak at your next event