Sebastian Terry - Motivational Speakers - Inspiring Personal Transformation and Peak Perform ...

Travels From United States

Speaker Topics

Cultivating Company Culture & Connection

In this time of Hybrid workforces, disconnected employees and industry
disruption, the importance of healthy company culture has never been more
pivotal to performance and longevity. More specifically, the ability of leaders
to create a culture that instills a sense of agency, belonging and connection
is now paramount to cultivating collaboration and growth.
Through his inspirational Passion Effect message, Seb Terry explores the
most effective way to cultivate thriving workplace culture through his 3-step
framework that creates a ripple effect that ignites trust, deepens connection
and promotes a winning culture

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Inspiring Purpose-Driven Leadership

Give people tools and they will survive. Show them possibility and they will thrive.
Leadership is not a trophy that sits on a shelf, it’s a model that unlocks the best
in others. In his Leadership of Teams Starts with Leadership of Self keynote,
Seb Terry shares insight into the journey of authentic leadership, scaling agency
and inspiring the best in those around us.

Complimented with frameworks that promote opportunity, inclusion and
connection, this keynote will create productive environments for quicker
decisions, collaborative advantage and unified work efforts.

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Mental Health: Building an Unstoppable Mindset

What if we truly believed that anything was possible?
Mental health is pivotal to all human development, informing our performance,
our mindset and our ability to connect with others.
With rates of anxiety, depression and even suicide rising in 2024, Seb’s Mental
Health: Building an Unstoppable Mindset keynote unpacks mental health
through vulnerable story-telling and a dynamic framework to facilitate holistic
life balance, peak performance and the ability to work in harmony in and out of
the workplace.

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Unlocking Passion, Performance and Transformation

From disengaged and stagnant, to purpose-driven and fully-activated, Seb’s Performance and Transformation keynote will unlock peak performance, deep connection and purpose-driven collaboration in your individuals and teams. Sharing his inspiring personal story as well as his framework to help Unlock Limitless Possibility, Seb’s profound and interactive keynote will create an environment for success and transformation through arming people with not only the agility to adapt to change, but the bravery to create, through re- imaging what’s possible.

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Sebastian Terry

Inspiring Personal Transformation and Peak Performance Worldwide

Sebastian Terry, based in Venice, California, is a vibrant Australian renowned for his extraordinary journey driven by a list of 100 life-defining challenges, sparked by the untimely loss of a close friend. This quest for happiness has not only transformed Seb's life but has also inspired audiences worldwide through his engaging keynote speeches and transformative initiatives. From marrying a stranger in Vegas to aiding a quadriplegic man in completing a half marathon, Seb's adventurous pursuits have been chronicled in a best-selling book and his own reality show, capturing the imaginations of many.

His powerful messages on personal transformation, peak performance, and fostering success-oriented environments have resonated globally, leading him to speak on all continents. Seb combines unique humour, insight, and real-time action into his presentations, leaving a lasting impact on all individuals and organisations alike. His methodologies have been embraced by major corporations like Google, Berkshire Hathaway, Bank of America, and McKesson, fostering significant improvements in workplace connection, professional motivation, and overall productivity.

In the current landscape of professional emptiness crisis within organisations, where engagement is dwindling and morale is low, Seb Terry offers a compelling solution: unlocking limitless possibilities through inspiration and actionable frameworks. His expertise lies in transforming stagnant mindsets into inspired work environments that activate human potential through collective agency, purpose-driven action, and impactful organisational change.

Collaborating with Seb leads to tangible outcomes, such as immediately boosting in workplace connection, professional motivation, and productivity. Employees also experience a notable improvement in work-life balance, thanks to his actionable peer-to-peer connection models that foster collaboration and thriving environments.

Seb's keynote topics cover all the essential aspects of organisational success, including peak performance and motivation, building resilience and connection in the workplace, creating a thriving corporate culture, enhancing employee engagement, and promoting inspirational leadership. His dynamic approach not only empowers individuals and leaders to adapt to change but also encourages them to drive it, unlocking the potential for limitless and sustainable success for employees, organisations, and the clients they serve.


Enquire about Sebastian Terry to speak at your next event