Nedd Brockmann

Running Across Australia, Raising Millions for Homelessness, and Inspiring National Action

Nedd Brockmann’s journey began as an electrician with a modest Instagram following of fewer than 4,500, to later finding a passion for running that would propel him into the national spotlight. Having only started running 2 years prior, at the age of 23, Nedd Brockmann became the fastest Australian to run across the country, and the second-fastest in the world. His ambitious goal: to traverse Australia at an unprecedented pace, not only to set a new record, but to ignite a movement of inspiration and philanthropy. 

In 2022, Nedd Brockmann embarked on his epic journey from Perth’s Cottesloe Beach to Sydney’s iconic Bondi Beach, covering an average of 85km each day, for an astonishing 46 and a half days, completing a total of 3953 kilometres. His unwavering determination and physical prowess made him the fastest Australian to ever achieve this monumental feat, culminating in a triumphant arrival before a crowd of over 10,000 supporters.

Brockmann had to contend with numerous challenges along the way, from the logistical nightmares of accommodation and food supplies out in the Australian outback, to countless injuries that threatened to derail him from finishing. With an unwavering determination to succeed and a fearless spirit, Brockmann persisted daily with the resolution of accomplishing his goals, becoming an inspiration to thousands in the process.

However, Brockmann’s mission was far more than just breaking records. Hailing from a small town, his move to Sydney exposed him to the stark reality of homelessness, a sight that deeply affected him. Determined to make a difference, he chose to use his cross-country run as a platform to raise awareness and funds for Australia’s homeless population. 

Through his remarkable effort, Brockmann raised an impressive $2.6 million for ‘We Are Mobilise’, a charity dedicated to providing functional care to the homeless and seek to create change through connection. This contribution enabled Mobilise to establish ‘Nedd’s Kickstart Scholarship’, a groundbreaking initiative providing employment opportunities, financial assistance, and ongoing support, including housing and financial counselling, to those at risk of homelessness. Just eight months after completing his run across Australia, Mobilise reported their first participant had received a contract offer to start work. 34 people are now in the Direct Giving program. 

Post his trans-continent record run, Nedd Brockmann has published the bestselling sports book, ‘Showing Up’, started Nedd’s Milk, a chocolate milk company that donates to Mobilise with every bottle purchased, and continues to push his limits daily. His impact transcends the boundaries of his record-setting run, with a journey that not only spotlighted the extremity of homelessness in Australia, but also jolted a nation to confront and address this pressing issue. Moving forward, Brockmann remains steadfast in his commitment to advocacy and social change, eagerly anticipating his next challenge as he continues to inspire and uplift fellow Australians with his laid-back humour and authentic self. He believes that every day you should live as if it were your last and to never take a backward step.

Enquire about Nedd Brockmann to speak at your next event