Mick Miller - Motivational Speakers - Be inspired and motivated to achieve by a former e ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Change Your Mindset for a Healthier Life

Do you ever feel flat, emotionally drained and physically tired before you even start your day or get to work? Do you want to learn how to look after yourself, reach your peak and maintain momentum? Mick shares how enhancing your awareness of the simplest things you do as well as maintaining mental health and wellbeing can make your daily performance more effective and efficient. Mick also shares his experiences of what can happen when you do not take notice of the warning signs and push yourself to the edge. Read less
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Change Your Mindset for Success as a Student

Do you want to reach your full potential with your studies this year? Are you feeling the pressure of final year exams? Feeling stressed or anxious, having trouble with balancing studying and life in general? Are you ready to learn how to relax under pressure, cope with the pressure of exams and enjoy learning? Mick can give you the key to realising your full potential. Become aware of who you are, what you can achieve and how to perform the very best you can in the environment you are in. Mick shares his insights and allows you to realize how to reduce stress, manage your time more efficiently and stay focused, positive and motivated. Read less
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Change Your Mindset for Success in Business

Do you or your organisation feel challenged with relentless demands on your time and resources, with meeting deadlines and KPIs? Become aware of who you are, what you can achieve and how to perform the very best you can in the environment you are in. Mick shares his insights and allows you to realize how to reduce stress, manage your time more efficiently and stay focused, positive and motivated. Read less
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Change Your Mindset for Success in Sport

In this presentation, Mick shares his stories from over 25 years as an elite performance coach to athletes all over the world. From the highs of Olympic glory to athlete breakdown and despair along with rebuilding and hope. Discover the mindset of success in sport. How to perform at your very best, stay focused, positive and motivated. Read less
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Travelling Australia Micks Way

Hear Micks inspirational story of recovery and discovery around Australia in a vintage 68 VW Beetle. From his career as an elite sports performance coach to a brush with cancer, including a 70 day stay in hospital and his rebuild, to a journey of recovery and discovery around Australia in The Rocket, raising funds and awareness for post cancer support and writing a book. Micks story will inspire, make you laugh and bring some of you to tears. Read less
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Mick Miller

Be inspired and motivated to achieve by a former elite sports coach

Mick Miller’s presentations will leave any audience feeling motivated and inspired to reach their goals. After working for over 25 years as an elite sports coach, he is able to apply the knowledge learnt over that time and translate concepts into successful results, which he is willing to pass on to audience members.

After surviving cancer, Mick has worked with many athletes who are all seeking different results including Olympic Glory, world championships and youth championships.

Mick has witnessed and assisted athletes that are going through all emotions from victory and the euphoria of winning to the heartbreaking despair and the struggles associated with loss. He has been able to build up athletes after career threatening injuries, rebuild teams who are struggling under the pressure and has mentored young athletes whilst they are struggling with the challenges of growing up.

He has worked as a coach and mentor across a wide range of sporting backgrounds including:

  • Several Olympic campaigns within sailing and rowing working with the coaches and athletes
  • Australian and New South Wales Rowing teams between 1991-2009
  • Rugby Union teams internationally
  • NRL and NSW Rugby Union teams

Mick is able to inspire and encourage any audience to achieve the results they desire. He is able to convey a clear concise message which will resonate with audience members. 


Enquire about Mick Miller to speak at your next event