Lucy Bloom - Motivational Speakers - Motivator, Innovator, Author

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Doing Business Differently

Lucy Bloom presents from the magic spot between stand-up comedian and motivational speaker. If you want your people feeling motivated, inspired and ready to conquer, with a speaker who has the business experience to bring it all home, this is the topic for you. From a 30+ year career as a master communicator, world changer and trailblazer, Lucy knows how to do business differently. Discover how to conquer the fears that hold you back, learn why fun should be a factor in your strategic plan and why change should be your superpower.

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Futurist Innovation Thinking

She’s the founder of an education start-up, led a creative agency for two decades and consulted in China-Australia innovation. If innovation fuels your engine and the future is where you’re headed, this is the conference speaker and the topic for you. Discover what's in store as the world adapts to AI models that are changing the way we live, work and innovate. In this speech you’ll learn how to create and inspire innovation with the mind and tools of a futurist even within frameworks of structure and bureaucracy

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Leading With Kindness

As a recipient of a Kindness Award from the Wakeup Project and the founding CEO of an holistic women’s health charity, Lucy is your conference speaker when you are ready to implement kindness as a proven business strategy and essential part of psych-safety. Lucy has built a career on the science of kindness. Discover how to spread kindness like wildfire in a way that feeds back into your people and your bottom line. This unforgettable speech will have your delegates implementing a daily practice in kindness which will make them happier, healthier and more productive.

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Lucy Bloom

Motivator, Innovator, Author

Lucy Bloom is a change maker, exceptional communicator and business fixer who lights up stages all over the world. No one forgets a keynote speech by Lucy Bloom.

She led an advertising agency 20 years before becoming the CEO of two international aid organisations, one in Ethiopia and the next in Cambodia. She now consults as a creative gun and strategy machine for start ups, not-for-profits and big business.

You will find Lucy Bloom challenging and entertaining in equal measure. She’s is a rule breaker, idea maker and momentum creator inspiring audiences with humour and captivating storytelling, with the business acumen to fortify an unforgettable message.

Lucy has a proven track record of successfully presenting complicated subjects to a broad audience, savvy financial management, and excellent governance and policy execution. She has also showed ability in developing and leading high-performance teams.

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Enquire about Lucy Bloom to speak at your next event