Eric Bailey - Motivational Speakers - Presenter, Speaker, Motivator, Visionary and Activ ...

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Speaker Topics

Activate Your Life: Activation versus Motivation

Presentations dealing with motivation are great and leave the participants inspired and enthused about their goals. However, this presentation also includes a healthy dose of activation. This is where Eric Bailey really shines, as he gives you the tools to not just inspire but to create positive action in the lives of every participant. This program appeals to a broad range of individuals and is critical to life success. Read less
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Ahead of the Pack: Leadership Training for All Stages of Life

When you think of the people that you most admire in the world, chances are that they are all considered leaders. Even simply being the leader in your own life or your individual family can make all the difference in the world. Leadership is not an inherent skill and something that needs to be taught and honed. This presentation will give you all the keys to leadership and will train you to be the star of the show. Read less
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Keeping Your Eye on the Prize: Vision and Goal Setting

This powerfully motivational presentation will help the participants to create vision in their lives and come up with a game plan, including goal setting, to make the most of their lives. As with any significant shift in your life, it all starts with a vision. Once that vision is fully and realistically crafted, you can start on the pathway to setting goals and making positive change in your life. Read less
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Moving Forward: Letting Go of Fear and The Past

What keeps many people stuck and unable to affect real change in their lives is their insistence on living in the past. This leads to visionary lethargy and an inability to get moving with your life. This presentation will not just inspire you to make positive changes in your life, but you will be given reality based tools to make this happen. In fact, Eric Bailey will teach you how to use your past to make your future amazing. Read less
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Team Building: Creating Cohesion in the Workplace

At the core of a successful business is a sense that each employee is fully a team player. When many individuals work towards one common goal, and feel valued in the process, then the business will be allowed to steadily grow. Further, the company will experience very low turnover and increased productivity. Eric Bailey can provide the company, whether large or small, with everything they need to create a real team atmosphere in their business. Read less
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Tick Tock, Tick Tock: Time Management

Time management is the key to any success and Eric Bailey has a presentation that will educate you on just how to best manage your time. This presentation is perfect not just for professionals, but for students, homemakers or volunteers as well. The participants will learn about prioritization, organization and staying focused. No matter what your personal circumstance, this is a must see presentation for everyone. Read less
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Eric Bailey

Presenter, Speaker, Motivator, Visionary and Activationalist 

Eric Bailey’s powerful presentations leave audiences feeling refreshed and motivated to push themselves. He fills any room with positive energy and can convey motivational messages to any audience with excitement and enthusiasm that is not often seen.

Eric is passionate about the importance of motivation and having a vision, and this is clearly and concisely shared with his audiences. His successful careers across multiple industries including professional sport, executive management and sales give him the experience and the knowledge to deliver a powerful presentation. He holds over 20 years of motivating people, which includes a range of audiences from corporate teams to students. Eric is also available to give personal mentoring and coaching to motivate individuals.

Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, Bailey had a difficult beginning but is now using his past experiences to aid those around him. As a credit to his triumphant success, he has spoken to over 3 million people globally, has been Google ranked at the Number 1 Activational Speaker and in 2015 he was voted as the top 22 Motivational Speaker in the World.

He holds the Certified Speaking Professional Designation, which is one of the top achievements any speaker can be awarded and less than 10% of speakers globally hold this accreditation. The process to gain a CSP takes a rigorous five-year certification process of which the applicant must demonstrate expertise and experience to the National Speaker Association and the International Federation for Professional Speakers.

As a previous professional basketball player, Eric stands at 198cm tall but instead of using his towering frame as a defence, he uses it to connect with every individual within the room. He uses his backgrounds and combines them with his love of speaking to present a dynamic presentation that leaves audiences mesmerised.

Eric is an ambassador for three not-for-profit charities including White Ribbon, Adopt Change and Nourish Children. His extensive work with these charities has seen him featured in the highly acclaimed World Class Magazine.

In January 2016, Bailey published his much-anticipated book ‘Bring Your a Game: Climb the Stairs to Your Personal Success’.

With an uncanny ability to connect with all individuals regardless of background and tailor his presentations to suit the audience, Eric Bailey engrosses the room he is talking to. His use of humour, anecdotes and honesty ensure audiences take away his key messages and remember his inspirational presentation long after the conclusion. 


Enquire about Eric Bailey to speak at your next event