Elaine Jobson - Motivational Speakers - Shaping global fitness as the CEO of Jetts AustralĀ ...

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Elaine Jobson

Shaping global fitness as the CEO of Jetts Australia

As CEO of Jetts Australia, Elaine Jobson has redefined Australia’s fitness industry with over 25 years experience in executive roles across global fitness brands. 

Raised in Yorkshire UK, Elaine began her fitness career working at a Fitness First club. Working closely with their founder Mike Balfour, she would move up the ranks until she was managing sales across European countries like Italy, Spain and France. When she returned to their UK branch, Elaine led the charge for a new female brand for Fitness First.

Since then, she has gone on to work with leading fitness brands around the world, including as Chief Operating Officer of Virgin Active in South Africa. She also helped Mike Balfour establish his new health brand, Jatomi, across Malaysia and Indonesia.

After being selected by Jetts’ founders Brendon and Cristy Levenson, Elaine would move to Australia to help the growing organisation develop its sales department. Most recently, she helped Jetts Australia navigate their recent management buyout to expand the brand globally.

In recognition of her incredible work, Elaine has been awarded with a range of career achievements, including the 2023 Fit Summit Executive of the Year, Deloitte Best Company to Work Award in South Africa, as well as Outstanding Business Woman of the Year from the Sunshine Coast Business Women's Network. 

Outside of her executive career, Elaine shares her leadership expertise as a guest author for the Institute of Managers and Leaders' bestselling book, "Leadership Matters".  

A deeply-respected leader internationally, Elaine is a highly sought-after keynote speaker committed to nurturing exceptional leaders in thriving professional cultures.

Enquire about Elaine Jobson to speak at your next event