Graeme Cowan - Mindfulness & Mental Health - Building resilience to avoid burnout in our person ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Crew Care: Growing psychologically safe and resilient teams

Are we connected? Are we safe? Do we have a shared future? These answers to these 3 questions are central to better team performance in an uncertain world.

Our #1 priority is to help build more caring and resilient teams, who enjoy growing together. We show how everyone can contribute to this.

You will gain simple, actionable steps, including:

  • 4 daily connection questions every leader should be asking their team
  • How to inspire team psychological safety (#1 of predictor of team innovation)
  • How to embed a growth mindset and reduce risk
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R U OK?365 / Red Zone: Care How to support a teammate (or yourself) in distress

The CSIRO has identified rising work stress as a mega risk to productivity for the next 20 years.

Major disruptions like Covid-19 have amplified this. Setbacks can happen any day, so having a sustainable and caring culture is critical.

You will learn how conversations are the key to:

  1. Identifying someone who is struggling
  2. Asking R U OK? with empathy
  3. Guiding them to the help they need
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Self-Care Isn't Selfish: Resilience for uncertain times

In volatile times, it can be easy to forget self-care. Adopting tiny habits can help you enjoy the direct link between self- care, resilience, and growth.

These small steps are the secret to being prepared for moments that matter at home and at work. You will learn:

  • How to identify your mood vampires through Graeme’s science-based 15-point Self-care Snapshot
  • How to embed ONE new small habit to boost your mood, influence, and productivity
  • How small habits lead to remarkable results
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Graeme Cowan

Building resilience to avoid burnout in our personal and professional lives

In rapidly changing and uncertain workplaces, Graeme shares practical and proven advice, that is focused on turning team care and resilience knowledge into action.

He loves being a professional speaker because sharing ideas can lead to conversations, and conversations can lead to action and change. As a Founding Board Director of R U OK?, he has watched this simple idea become an iconic movement.

As the host of The Caring CEO podcast, he interviews CEO’s who champion a culture of care AND high performance. This includes the CEO’s of Adobe, Bunnings, Microsoft, Blackmores, ANZ, Culture Amp, Deloitte, The Starlight Foundation, and R U OK?, 

In 2000 he went through a 5-year episode of depression that his psychiatrist described as the worst he had ever treated. He emerged from this crisis with a different view about how we can increase our resilience, mood, and performance.

He is the author of 5 books, including the internationally acclaimed BACK FROM THE BRINK, which has a testimonial from the former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, and which has become a best seller in China.

He is also the Co-Founder of WeCARE365, which creates simple scalable eLearning to help managers prevent and detect early any mental health issues.


Enquire about Graeme Cowan to speak at your next event