Kate Munari - Leadership - Australia

Travels From ACT

Speaker Topics


Be it verbal or non verbal, communication is a fundamental factor in all aspects of work. Kate has had to deal with personalities of all types. Effective communication has been key to her success at every level. Read less
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Decision Making

Some decisions have no easy answer, but a decision must be made. Hear how Kate made these decisions during her time on operations. Read less
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As a military helicopter pilot, Kate has had up to 40 peoples lives in her hands. Hear how she dealt with this responsibility Read less
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Overcoming the Odds

Everyone has dreams and goals. Hear how Kate overcame the odds, to achieve and realise her goal of becoming a military pilot. Read less
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Success During Adversity

Kate shares the challenges she faced and the tools she used to succeed during times of adversity. Read less
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Behind every successful leader is a good team. Knowing when to lead and when to follow is vital. Kate was still part of a bigger team and had to play her part. Read less
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Women in Leadership

Kate shares the subtleties of succeeding in a male dominated work environment, and the trials leading to her gaining the respect of her peers and team members. Read less
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Kate Munari

Australia's only Female Navy Helicopter Pilot to fly in Afghanistan.

Kate Munari joined the Royal Australian Navy at the age of 18, through the Australian Defence Force Academy and completed a Bachelor of Science degree. Qualifying as a helicopter pilot in 2006, her skill and dedication to flying led to her being selected for a four and a half year posting to the Royal Navy, UK. There, Kate flew as part of Commando Helicopter Force (CHF) who fly in support of the Royal Marine Commandos.

Kate served in Afghanistan three times as part of CHF, flying day and night, in all weather conditions as aircraft captain and formation commander. She led teams in some of the toughest conditions any workplace can present.

Having been in the military for over 15 years, Kate has added a new dimension to her professional life. Keen to share her experiences with others, Kate will inspire and motivate audiences to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Kate's presence and stories engage and inspire no matter your profession, her wealth of knowledge and experience are sure to fit your needs. As your next event speaker, Kate wants to drive your audience to achieve their goals and become leaders in their own sphere.


Enquire about Kate Munari to speak at your next event