Dixie Marshall - Leadership - An extraordinary storyteller, journalist and  ...

Travels From Western Australia

Speaker Topics

How Good Communication can Solve any Problem......well, just about any problem

How to Negotiate a Career Change and Why It's Worth the Effort

Media and Politics - an insider's view

Modern Politics - a contact sport

The crazy story of the TV newsreader who decided to try politics

Yes - it is Different for Women

Dixie Marshall

An extraordinary storyteller, journalist and presenter

With a wide array of storytelling experience, Dixie Marshall knows the power a story can have. Having worked on every media platform, Dixie is now the head of a digital storytelling business.

Dixie spent 27 years as a journalist and senior television newsreader, before heading into a career in politics. 

After working as the Director of Strategic Communications and Media for the Barnett Government in Western Australia for six years, Dixie moved into the Office of the Premier where she oversaw multimillion dollar budgets, advised Premier and Cabinets, as well as devised, implemented and oversighted government communication framework. 

During this time, Dixie changed the way a state government delivered its stories, insisting on the level of communications being presented to be raised. 

Dixie is passionate about the right story for the right time for the right person. She speaks on her experiences, politic, media, negotiating as well as communication. She is an in-demand speaker, with her presentations described as motivating, inspiring and informative. 

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