Ashley Fell - Leadership - A trends analyst and media commentator who knows h ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Engaging with Consumers in an Online World: Thriving in the screenage

In an era of message saturation, the challenge for organisations is to deliver quality content that will get cut through. In this session, Ashley shares the latest research findings into media consumption, emerging technologies and the key influences on decision making. She defines the elements of effective communication, means to maximise retention, and the trends in online communities. Read less
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Gen Z Defined: The 5 key factors of this global generation

There are 4.6 million reasons to engage Generation Z, the students of today and university graduates, employees and consumers of tomorrow. They are truly the 21st century generation, with the whole of their formative years lived in this century. They are mobile, digital, global, visual and social. Their lives are post lifestage, their learning is post linear and their careers post structural. In this session Ashley will outline how to best engage with the most formally educated, technologically literate and materially endowed generation in history. Read less
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Generation Z Customers: Understanding these global consumers to connect, motivate and engage

In this session based on the latest generational and consumer research, Ashley will share an overview of Generation Z, what defines them, why they are the key brand influencers, and how to best engage with them. This session will deliver a demographic, economic and social snapshot of those under 25, giving insights into how to effectively connect with these ever changing consumers. Read less
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The Millennial Workforce: Creating culture, purpose and impact

Generations Y and Z will soon comprise more than half of the workforce and so understanding their preferred way of work is essential for effective engagement. In this session Ashley will give an overview of creating an engaging culture for a multigenerational workforce. Read less
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The New World of Work: Understanding the emerging workforce, adapting to the new workplace

Over the last couple of years the world of work has undergone a massive transformation. From portfolio careers to teleworking, from the gig economy to the growth of the startup culture. How, where and why we work has significantly changed. This session looks at how to recruit, retain, manage and train top talent, and how to create a workplace culture and engage a diverse workforce to bring about greater productivity and engagement. Read less
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The Power of Storytelling in a Digital Era: How to connect and communicate in changing times

In an era of message saturation and digital disruption, it can be difficult to cut through the noise, capture attention, and make our voice heard. In this session, Ashley will highlight how to communicate important information in visual ways, and how to effectively transform your data into a story. She shows how, even in our world of screens, social media and ever emerging technology, it is the timeless power of storytelling, harnessing the unmatched visual platform that is the human mind, that best informs, instructs, involves and inspires audiences. Read less
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Ashley Fell

A trends analyst and media commentator who knows how to communicate

As a social researcher, trends analyst and media commentator, Ashley Fell has a strong understanding on how to successfully communicate across audiences. Currently working as Head of Communication at McCrindle, Ashley is passionate about creating powerful and effective communication.

Utilising her experiences in both media relations and social media management, Ashley knows how to get a message through, in days when it information is frequent and saturating.  She is a regular expert on programs including SBS News, Seven News, Sky News and The Today Show, as well as on radio, print and online.

As well as delivering expert keynotes, Ashley is also able to conduct training, facilitate panels and deliver workshops for any audience. She tailors her presentations to suit any event or business to ensure the tools she shares are applicable and useful for everyone. Ashley has spoken at conferences and meetings to some of the largest businesses in Australia including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Optus, Toshiba, Commonwealth Bank as well as many others.  

Asley is passionate about bringing research and experience-based content, doing so by combining her academic qualifications in communication and her role in communications strategy.


Enquire about Ashley Fell to speak at your next event