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Adam Spencer - Innovation - Mathematician, Science Enthusiast and Comedian

Travels From New South Wales



Speaker Topics

001 Winning the Numbers Game in our digital world

Australia’s favourite and most entertaining mathematician shows you how factors like AI, Cyber Security and ChatGPT are disrupting business. Learn how you can win in this digital world.

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002 Cyber security - beware the cat video!

A cybercrime is reported in Australia every seven minutes. Whether it's catphishing, ransomware, deep fake videos - cyber is a new game altogether. It is slick. It is personalised. And it is everywhere. As Adam likes to say, "You’re only as strong as your weakest link … and that link is Gary from accounts - who just LOVES cat videos."

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003 How digital transformation will change work and business forever

Your mobile phone has the power of what 20 years ago was the most powerful supercomputer in the world. Artificial Intelligence can already do multiple aspects of your job faster and more accurately than you can. Don’t put all this in the too-hard basket - let Adam show you how to make AI technology work for you today and carry you into tomorrow. 

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004 Mathematics education and the importance of numeracy

As Australia’s best-known popular mathematician, Adam has been entertaining and inspiring educators, parents and kids with his joy for all things mathematical. His TED Talk on Monster Prime Numbers has had over two million views and is regularly voted one of the top 10 best TED Talks for maths and science, and he was one of the featured speakers in Carmen Gallo’s 2022 book Talk Like Ted - the 9 public speaking secrets of the world’s top minds. 

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Adam Spencer

Mathematician, Science Enthusiast and Comedian

Adam, a lifelong numbers enthusiast, initially pursued law and later earned a PhD in pure mathematics. Surprisingly, he won the "Raw Comedy" stand-up competition hosted by triple j radio in its inaugural year due to the low standard. This victory led to hosting the breakfast radio show alongside Wil Anderson. After six years, Adam and Wil parted ways. However, Adam returned to radio on ABC Sydney 702, where he held second place for eight years in Australia's competitive market.

In 2013, Adam concluded his tenure hosting the unique radio show in Sydney. He also appeared on various television programs, including "Quantum," poker championships, and sports review shows. His collaboration with Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki on "Sleek Geeks" garnered public favor.

Adam is an ambassador for the Sydney Swans and coached a women's soccer team at the University of Sydney for over a decade. He is the University's first ambassador for mathematics and science and supports charitable causes like Redkite and the Fred Hollows Foundation. Additionally, he co-created "Dry July," raising over $30 million for adult cancer services.


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