Rik English - Health -

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

An Endless Adventure

Rik English

Rik English lives by his self developed ‘Create Grow Share’ methodology and actively seeks out opportunities to progress and positively impact his and other people’s lives.

Create Grow Share (CGS) was designed to provide a platform that people can relate to and apply to their own circumstances to create a state of joy, fulfilment and happiness.

Three pillars that are the foundation of CGS are; Service, Connection and Alignment. Those actions and feelings are distributed to four key areas; Family and Friends, Earning an Income, Community and Pursuing Dreams.

Originally born in Lancashire, England, Rik moved to Sydney in 2011 as a 20 something year old with a backpack on his back, a few bucks to his name and a drive and hunger to make a success of himself in Australia.   

Fast forward on to present day and Rik is an Australian Citizen that resides in Manly, New South Wales. He is a Partner and Co-Founder of a Sydney based Recruitment business, has written his first book ‘Second Ain’t Bad,’ which he is looking to publish, was ‘probably’ the highest person standing on our planet in December 2018, at the summit of Aconcagua in Argentina, and prior to that, he reached the roof of Africa by summiting Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. He has experienced failure as well as success and amongst other things, has attempted but failed to finish an Ironman; twice.

There are many more stories of success and failure that Rik would love to share, as well as stories of community contributions. These include volunteering weekly with Pass it On Clothing to help distribute pieces of clothing to homeless and disadvantaged people in Sydney, running as a guide for Achilles to help vision impaired runners safely run 10k and Half Marathon distances in crowded races and organising and running a charity sports day annually for his birthday, with all money raised going to charities like Make A Wish Australia.

A favourite story of Rik’s to share is how he was part of a team that pushed a special someone in a chair at the Melbourne Marathon to help this person successfully become the first breathing assisted quadriplegic to finish a marathon globally.

In addition, Rik has shared meaningful experiences with his family, including playing in the annual Football Aid charity soccer match for the Manchester United home team at Old Trafford with his Dad as a 60th birthday present. 

To be present at Rik’s Keynote opens up many learning opportunities that can be taken away and implemented into a person’s life, including, how to use your time effectively to ensure your health, relationships and wealth are being looked after, as well as knowing and working on the value that you can bring to your own and other peoples lives.

Rik’s Keynote is designed to be a heart warming and humbling experience, full of feeling and emotion that provoke positive thoughts and actions.

Areas covered during Rik’s Keynote include:

  • The birth of ‘Create Grow Share’
  • ‘Why’ leads to your ‘How’
  • Understanding your own Value and Impact
  • Being Proactive, not Reactive
  • Creating opportunities to re-define your Normal
  • Growing through experiences of Success and Failure
  • Creating an abundant state of Gratitude, Joy and Fulfilment
  • Progress is key to Happiness
  • The importance of Communication
  • Figure out what is meaningful to you and say No to almost everything
  • Value Time above all else you have
  • Looking after your Health, Relationships and Wealth
  • Being Present and appreciating what is happening in your life Right Now
  • The power of Perspective
  • Sharing Experiences with likeminded people that will Appreciate the Journey and the Outcome; whatever that may be
  • A Feeling is more Memorable than written or spoken words
  • Information without Emotion is rarely maintained
  • Confidence and Belief

Enquire about Rik English to speak at your next event