Dr Gina Cleo - Health - Dietician and expert in habit change and wellbeing ...

Travels From Queensland



Speaker Topics

Apply Brain Power, Not Willpower

Considering willpower is a fleeting resource, it is no wonder you kickstart a new habit, only to find yourself falling off the wagon after a few weeks, or sometimes even days. Learn to apply your endless source of brain power instead and never depend on your willpower again. A skill that can be applied to all areas of your life and work, from your new health kick to writing a book. Read less
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Develop Setback Strategies

Achieving your goals usually happens in a tango of two steps forward, one step back. The difference between success and going off course is all about, if, when, and how you get back up. Learn Dr Cleos top 5 bounce back strategies to help you get back on track quickly and achieve long term success, resilience, schedule, consistency, self belief and self compassion. Read less
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The Art of Adaptability

Dust off the cobwebs of routine and learn to effortlessly evolve with new innovation, updated technology and changing workloads. Discover how to embrace change through the art of adaptability by understanding and breaking your old habits. Increase your efficiency and in turn, improve workplace and team fulfilment. Read less
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Dr Gina Cleo

Dietician and expert in habit change and wellbeing 

As an expert in habit change and well-being, Dr Gina Cleo’s passion for health and nutrition extends beyond clinics and hospitals.

Holding a PhD in habit change, Dr Gina is a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Bond University. She also holds a Bachelor in Health Sciences as well as a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

After working in clinics and hospitals, Gina recognises that health and wellbeing extends further than what we eat. It is made up of habits and small behaviours that can be difficult to change. Gina has dedicated her career to helping people understand these habits and how small consistent steps can have a greater impact on health and wellbeing. 

Gina’s research has been published in medical journals across the globe. She has also appeared on television networks, magazines and news outlets. 

Enquire about Dr Gina Cleo to speak at your next event